Pura Tirta Empul

Alamat Tampaksiring, Gianyar Regency
Jam 08:00-18:00
Situs web diparda.gianyarkab.go.id
Kategori Hindu Temple, Tourist Attraction
Peringkat 4.7 94 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Pura Suradayu — Manukaya, Tampaksiring, Bali
Pesiraman Dalem Pingit Sebatu — Sebatu, Tegallalang, Bali
Pura Kehen — Jl. Sriwijaya No.8, Cempaga, Bangli, Bali
Pura Dalem Gede Selaungan — Cempaga, Bangli, Bali

Pura Tirta Empul ulasan

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06 November 2023 23:24

Tempatnya sangat tenang, ada atraksi kasi makan ikan koi, ada juga tempat melukat. Daerahnya sejuk

03 Oktober 2023 23:51

Very beautiful authentic temple. Very friendly people, you get a sarong and can explore the temple. Anyone who wants can participate in the cleansing ritual.

The only disadvantage: endless influencers who have no respect for the place where they are. It was really busy, so I would try to get there as early as possible.

15 September 2023 3:29

- Peaceful and soothing place
- Ritual experience was really good
- No guide/information available
- Expensive ticket price
- Need to rent Sarong separately
- Washroom and changing area were not clean

12 September 2023 11:30

One of the most famous water temples in Ubud. You can sign up to be a part of a ritual purification experience. I haven't tried it, but I have seen a lot of tourists taking part in it.

The temple grounds are beautiful to roam around. Make sure to bring a sarong with you, because you won't be allowed to enter normally if your body isn't fully covered with clothes. The temple can get very crowded at times so make sure to try and go their as early as as you can

12 September 2023 6:53

Beautiful temple! They give you sarongs to cover you at the entrance, it is not necessary to bring.
Many places to take photos and do a purification ritual in the water, they give you special clothes to do it.
Admission is $3.5.

11 September 2023 23:21

A beautiful temple with the option to have a traditional lunch inside at very affordable prices

10 September 2023 19:41

Can't recommend. It's expensive, not much to see and way to crowded. Better skip it.

10 September 2023 3:09

Very touristic place. You can wash/bathe in the holy water here. However, it has a lot of people. The water smells a bit. It's nice that every person has to wear a saron. These are available free of charge in the complex. It's a shame that you have to pay extra for the toilets despite the entrance fee.

08 September 2023 23:02

The atmosphere is peaceful, the carvings are exquisite, and it is full of exotic culture. There are many photo spots and it is very beautiful. It is recommended to spend an afternoon swimming slowly, blowing in the wind, and meditating...

05 September 2023 10:54

Free parking (watch out for locals, they will block you at the entrance saying it's full but they randomly know one nearby).

Entrance fee, includes a sarong. If you want to do the ritual you need to rent an additional sarong (green) and a locker.
Cleaning, changing and dressing after the ritual is not recommended for germophobes.

The temple is beautiful but not unforgettable.

The ritual itself is worth trying but it certainly loses authenticity due to the number of people. Even there, they will try to offer paid guides to help you skip the imaginary hours-long queues (which aren't there).

04 September 2023 4:56

We loved this temple and it's vibe. The local people are really very nice and very simple.

10 Februari 2022 18:40

Sangat suka dgn adatnya org bali, penuh makna, penuh khidmat.kita kesini pas lgi hujan.jd mw ikutan melukat takut masuk angin

07 Februari 2022 3:53

President Palace area with holy water and cold and cooool water. Keep always clean, restricted entrance

02 Februari 2022 14:00

Tempat sakral umat Hindu bali, saat kesana kebetulan bulan purnama penuh yg diyakini adalah hari baik umat hindu. Kita dapat melihat mereka sembayang dan mandi di 21 pancuran.

26 Januari 2022 4:47

Air suci dari sumber air murni, ada banyak pancuran buat mandi secara berururan. Airnya jernih dan segar tentunya.

24 Januari 2022 13:06

Sangat bagus dan cantik, selain sebagai tempat wisata spiritual yaitu mensucikan diri di pancuran tirta empul saya juga suka dengan ikan masnya, banyak warna warni dan gede2, dan istana negara tampak siring yg menjadi back ground nya juga sangat indah dan hijau, apalagi orang2 yg bertugas dan jualan disana juga sangat ramah dan baik, silahkan berkunjung mungkin yg belum pernah berkunjung kesana saya recommend

22 Januari 2022 0:58

Datang untuk melukat, sudah pakai kain kebaya, tetapi rombongan saya disuruh oleh petugas untuk membayar per orang Rp 30,000. Petugas sangat memaksa dan ngotot harus membayar. Padahal rombongan lainnya tidak ada yang diminta membayar tiket masuk. Akhirnya saya dan rombongan membatalkan melukat di sini, dan pindah melukat ke sebatu holy spring.

14 Januari 2022 16:45

Tiada kata selain "dahsyat". Otentik mata air yang suda berusia ribuan tahun.sangat jernih dan di sucikan.ayo mandi kesini.

13 Januari 2022 20:54

Suka liat air mancurnya, sayang mau mandi ga bisa Krn ngejar waktu blk ke Jakarta. Klw ke Bali mampir kesini ya ga nyesel lho, trs pusat oleh2nya murah2

06 Januari 2022 7:09

Komplek pura Tirta empul ini, banyak dikunjungi oleh wisatawan, tak hanya untuk melihat lihat, tetapi banyak yg mandi di kawasan permandian di kawasan ini, dengan berbagai maksud. Bagi yg mempercayainya, mandi di sini bisa tercapai tujuannya. Kawasan Putra Tirta empul berada dibawah istana negara Tampak Siring. Komplek Istana dilengkapi dengan gedung tamu negara, yg mana kedua gedung (istana dan gedung tamu negara) dihubungkan oleh jembatan yg diberi julukan jembatan persahabatan.

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