Pura geger Beach

Alamat Benoa, South Kuta, Bali
Telepon +62 361 9009270
Jam 00:00-24:00
Situs web www.badungtourism.com
Kategori Tourist Attraction, Hindu Temple
Peringkat 4.4 30 ulasan
Cabang terdekat
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Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
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Pura geger Beach ulasan

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11 Oktober 2023 7:57

Pantainya bagus. Ga gtu banyak pengunjung. Ga banyak yg jualan makanan jdi lebih bagus bawa dr luar. Biaya masuk 5000/orang

10 Oktober 2023 2:40

Menurut saya ini pantai paling bagus di bagian Nusa Dua Selatan. Aksesnya mudah, tiket hanya 5 ribu, dan cocok untuk bermain air baik itu saat surut atau pasang tinggi. Tempatnya bersih untuk saat ini, semoga aja begitu karena sekarang sudah mulai ramai dan banyak yang jualan di pantai tetapi tidak ada tempat sampah. Jadi tolong kalau main kesini, sampah dibawa pulang

09 Oktober 2023 20:39

Cocok buat berenang, rekomen di jam 7.30-9.00an

Ada tiket masuk tp lupa deh berapa wkkwk murah kokkk

03 Oktober 2023 18:44

One of the best beaches in Bali!
Try to come at 6 am while the sun is rising and when it’s not too crowded. It’s an incredible experience.

24 September 2023 23:44

Salah satu pantai rekomended bagi yg suka suasana tenang. Pantai yg sangat cantik dengan air jernih gak ada ombak.

23 September 2023 21:38

Thank you for cursing me for coming in. In fact, you can just say "here specifically place that only to pray" but you end up cursing me for not being able to read, not being sent to school, being illiterate, blind. Thank you for saying that, you are the smartest, purest, most schooled, best able to read. Matur suksma

08 Mei 2023 4:16

I came at a wrong time
Since there is no info of best time to visit it.

Arrived around 2pm and there was no beach at all. Only water (covered the beach?) with great wave for surfing.

From the people I asked, they said the best time to visit it is early on the morning (until 10 am). Or else, what you found is only water (with no beach).
Dont do the same thing with me, so you dont feel dissapointed (after driving far and paying the entrance, eventough it’s only IDR5K/person-motorbike parking included).

The route is easy to found, just follow the gmaps direction and you’ll arrived exactly on the location.
There are some warung around, but I dont try any of it, since I turned back directly after found out I cant enjoy the beach.

And ya, will come back again to enjoy the beach (which I failed to do)

11 April 2023 10:24

Air lautnya bersih, tempat sebelah kiri daerah tebing bagus sekali, menikmati snset juga bagus bersama teman, masuk aaya menggunakan motor bayar 5rb

05 April 2023 15:33

Selalu ke pantai ini kalau ke Bali, karna pasir putih dan bersih dan paling enak sepi karna hanya akses kecil bisa masuk ke sini, diantara hotel2 mewah yang memang berada langsung ke pantai ini,

19 Maret 2023 0:46

Cool reef 5k rup entrance beach with beach temple and further access to Mulia Hotel front-beach. Lots of interesting cave and rock formations furthered with crystal clear small lagoons.

15 Maret 2023 21:26

Great beach with a easy way to go to. Just 20 steps (or less) on the stairs down and a few small rocks to climb. You enter a very nice beach area. Many sand areas to the left abd right side. Everywere are nice rocks with small spaces for nice pictures.

The beach is only accesible at low tide. There are also enough warungs at the top for a small snack and a drink.

Weekend days are more crowdy.

01 Februari 2023 23:33

Saya datang hari rabu, tidak ada orang disini. Masalahnya adalah, kran air tidak berfungsi. Tidak bisa bilas/mandi.

01 Februari 2023 22:16

Clean beach at the side of huge mulia resort. Its abit difficult to find and access no public facility too

19 Desember 2022 22:02

Kalau hanya sekedar Selfi dan pengen segernya angin laut.bs jadi salah satu pilihan.pantainya bersih dan tdk seberapa ramai.tapi ada banyak batu dan karang.jadi kalau mau berenang sebaiknya hati".

30 Agustus 2022 5:02

One of the dirtiest beach I have seen in Bali. There is trash everywhere!
Between the tourist who dont pick-up behind them and the locals who dont seem to care, this is a shame. All of this trash are flying right into the sea.

21 Agustus 2022 17:44

Akses masuk pantai mudah jalan aspal halus.pemandangan keren tp ketika akan turun ke pantai tangganya sudah rusak sebagian harap hati2 klo turun, karangnya tajam.keren banget pantai ini klo lagi surut bisa jalan sepanjang pantai yg di kelilingi tebing.instagramable pokok nya.tiket masuk 5rb/org sudah termasuk parkir ya

19 Agustus 2022 19:52

Pantai nya indah, lokasi sekitar bersih. Di sepanjang pantai banyak terdapat batu karang yang terbentang, sehingga pengunjung bisa sekedar berteduh ketika siang hari.

13 Agustus 2022 21:36

Pura Geger beach is located in Nusa Dua Bali, beautiful and super cool. It has white and clear sand spread all the way long, good location with so many spot to make a good foto. So when you are in Bali dont forget to come to Pura Geger beach.

10 Agustus 2022 20:30

One of my favourite beach in bali. It's quite far from where i stay, but came because we want to chill after lunch where there are not a lot of people.
It's gloomy when we came, so it's quite nice.
It's clean, and quite empty. Only few of people or tourist probably know this place.
And for those who might come, please keep your trash with you. Be responsible and keep the nature clean.

17 Juli 2022 10:46

Nice small beach with interesting entrance. Hard to swim due to low water. Many people just walking.

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