Penglipuran Village

Alamat Jl. Penglipuran, Kubu, Bangli, Bali
Telepon +62 821-4454-3439
Jam 08:00-18:30
Situs web www.penglipuranvillage.com
Kategori Tourist Attraction
Peringkat 4.8 39 ulasan
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Penglipuran Village ulasan

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22 November 2023 16:18

Sekedar tempat berfoto.tidak ada area bermain atau restoran untuk kuliner.pemandangan yang eksotik

22 November 2023 9:48

Desa terbersih dan ternyaman, dan sudah diakui oleh dunia juga. Well done Panglipuran! Sgt bangga

20 November 2023 22:56

If you're there to see the buildings, that's fine, but plenty of people.
But if you want to see Bamboo forrest, drive past the entrance and continue on the road and you'll get there, without having to pay admission.

19 November 2023 8:11

Desa yg sangat bersih dan warga yg ramah persis seperti di medsos yg tersebar. Tersedia juga sewa pakaian adat untuk berfoto dengan harga yg terjangkau juga oleh2 khas desa

16 November 2023 21:29

The heritage village in bali, beautiful village, clean and i love the kindness of people who stay here. Thank you

26 September 2023 9:05

Saran saya pake jasa guide / tour travel biar bisa dijelasin ttg rumah adat di sini dan historisnya, dan ada yg fotoin. Sama jgn lupa sewa baju adat di situ, biar foto2nya jd lebih bagus. Kmrn saya sewa baju adat 70rb per orang, ga tau itu murah atau mahal Sewanya di rumah no 18 klo ga salah.

16 September 2023 5:50

We came here during the day. We arrived late in the evening. During the day it is full of people, shops are open, you can take a walk in the bamboo forest. In the evening you can take awesome photos. Don't forget to buy tickets

15 September 2023 20:08

Desa terbersih dengan tata ruang benar-benar teratur baik. Namun sayang jika dibandingkan dengan kunjungan pertama saya di tahun 2010, sudah banyak berubah. Dulu masih sepi, belum banyak pedagang, dan benar-benar merupakan gambaran desa tradisional Bali. Kini sedikit banyak sudah mulai masuk modernisasi.

03 Agustus 2023 5:33

Great place to visit. Every building seems neatly organized. Very traditional one. Many spot for taking photo. I recommend to come here during weekdays, the whole area will be more serene.

16 September 2019 14:29

A beautiful original traditional Balinese village.
The second cleanest village on the world in 2016.
Original culture, authentic culinary, unique of arts, and interested souvenirs we can find here.
Nice local peoples, also warm service for visitors.
Love it and Recommended.

31 Agustus 2019 10:02

Tempatnya bagus sangat asri dan Sejuk. Untuk oleh2 harga disana lebih miring daripada beli oleh2 di pusat kota

30 Agustus 2019 3:41

Almost all of the houses here is a gift shop. You can enter the houses and freely ask about their traditional balinese house. It's good to see that most of the house owner at the village excited and took part in their village tourism but somehow, the way i see it that the people who lived there are more focused on selling stuffs and most of the visitors are just seeking for a good spot for photoshoot whe this place was more than that.

28 Agustus 2019 22:16

Very nice small village, not sure about the entrance fee, this is a little sketchy. We paid 60k for 3. Lots of local specialities to try, small stores opened by local ladies and of course the main attraction, the temple. Nice but crowded. Go early in the morning for a more authentic experience.

28 Agustus 2019 12:46

This place is lovely. One of the cleanest places that I've been in Indonesia. It's a bit far from Ubud (1 hour plus driving by car with no traffic, place is a bit in rural side), but you'll love it because you can see the preserved old traditional neighborhood of Bali. You can also interact with locals and they will show you around (their house). When I came, not many people.so it's superb. For local tourist, need to pay IDR 15,000 (if I'm not mistaken).

22 Agustus 2019 5:55

Desa yg sangat rapi, bersih, tertata sedemikian rupa. Dimana susunan bangunan, pura, & lain2 nya di seragamkan.
Terdapat jln penghubung antara rumah 1 dg lainnya.
Sehingga melambangkan kerukunan, gotong royong dan keakraban antar penduduknya.

12 Agustus 2019 7:38

Desa ini pernah mendapatkan penghargaan desa terbersih nomor 2 di dunia. Suasananya asri, penduduknya sangat ramah. Jika ingin mendapatkan foto tanpa banyak gangguan, lebih baik berangkat pagi, karena menjelang siang hari sudah penuh dengan wisatawan. Jangan lupa membeli minuman khas Loloh Cemcem, rasanya segar. HTM 30K.

11 Agustus 2019 7:07

Most clean village with the natural concept to maintain the harmony.every house sells many kind goods of its character, traditional food and drink, hand made creativity and etcetera

N. Sudiartha
05 Agustus 2019 0:54

This village is one of the rural areas in Bali that has an orderly structure of traditional village structures, a combination of traditional order with lots of beautiful open space making this village make us feel the nuances of Bali in the past. The physical arrangement and structure of the village is inseparable from the culture that is held firmly by the Penglipuran Indigenous community and the culture of the community has also been passed down from generation to generation.

19 Juli 2019 9:10

Desa adat bali yg masih mempertahankan tradisi dengan sangat baik. Penduduk nya ramah2. Kalo kesana jangan segan masuk ke rumah penduduk yg ada di kanan dan kiri nya untuk sekedar beli jajanan dan minuman tradisional nya. Harga nya murah2 kok. Cemcem nya 5rb, lebih murah dr warung2 didenpasar

16 Juli 2019 8:46

What a clean village! I never knew such an unique village in Bali like this before. It's a small village. The houses are in same shape, and there is a temple if you go straight to the right side. Some houses in this village selling Bali souvenirs.

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