Pantai Matahari Terbit

Alamat Sanur Kaja, Denpasar Selatan, Bali
Telepon +62 821-4595-6089
Jam 00:00-24:00
Situs web goturnusapenida.com
Kategori Tourist Attraction
Peringkat 4.1 47 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Bajra Sandhi Monument — Jl. Raya Puputan No.142, Panjer, Denpasar Selatan, Bali
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Pasar Sindu — Jl. Ps. Sindu No.5, Sanur, Denpasar Selatan, Bali

Pantai Matahari Terbit ulasan

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26 Juni 2020 15:25

Matahari Terbit Beach is a beach located nearest center city of Denpasar with view very beautiful sunrise but in addition this is be anchorage connect between Bali Island and Nusa Penida Island. So, the tourist want to Nusa Penida can registration a fast boat for transport to Nusa Penida.

20 Mei 2020 1:00

The beach is still one of the favorite destinations for tourists to enjoy the New Year holiday. As seen on Sanur Beach, Bali is getting increasingly crowded by day.

Monitoring at Sanur Beach, Denpasar, Bali, Tuesday (01/01/2019) more and more tourists are arriving. It was also seen from the number of vehicles parked in the beach area also increasing a lot.

Likewise, the beach area is crowded with small children with colorful buoys. While on the shoreline seen mothers or other family members waiting.

One of them is Megawati (19) and her husband Logi Ardizah (20) who invited her only daughter Megi Buana Putri (3) for the New Year holiday. They chose Sanur because the waves are safe for playing water.

"The location is nice, comfortable, the waves are safe, it's already crowded too. This was also invited to a picnic with friends, so a group, " Megawati said at the location.

The resident of Jl Seroja, Peguyangan has even been on Sanur Beach since 10.00 Wita. He said he was satisfied to go around the beach and play water.

A similar sentiment was also conveyed by Sumiyati (36) and her younger sister Nur Saima (26). The two women from Medan were also seen lounging on the sand while waiting for their children to play in the water.

"Yes, a vacation with the family. When I happened to be on holiday, and the children asked for a vacation to the beach. Please give them a chance once in a while, " Sumiyati said.

Sumiyati said that Sanur Beach was her family's choice for a vacation because it was close to her home in Peguyangan and was quite economical. Because, armed with Rp. 50,000, she was able to take her child on vacation.

"Sanur Beach is the most close, Rp 50,000 is enough. Earlier, the buoy rent was Rp 10-15 thousand, entrance fee was Rp. 2 thousand per person, and then brought lunch from home. If you don't buy snacks here, the price is never higher when you go on holiday, "he said.

Sumiyati claimed to have been afraid to go to the beach after the tsunami disaster that struck Banten last week. However, because of the insistence of his son Rahmat Hidayat (12) he finally melted.

"I was so scared because of the tsunami but because I saw a lot of people coming here. His father was afraid and forbidden to come here so he didn't come, his work friends also said not to go to the beach first for a while, but the children asked to see so many who came here, " explained Sumiyati.

13 Mei 2020 4:28

Tempat rekreasi yang murah meriah.cuman sayang sudah tidak bagus untuk mencari keheningan karena sudah terlalu ramai.sebab ada kapal kapal yang menaikkan dan menurunkan penumpang dari dan menuju Nusa lembongan

10 Mei 2020 13:30

Pantai dengan sunrise yang mempesona, klau kesini carilah orang yang namanya Bli Wayan asli Bali, orangnya sangat baik

25 April 2020 20:36

Nama Pantai Matahari Terbit di Pulau Dewata Bali mungkin kalah tenar dengan popularitas pantai lain seperti Pantai Legian, Pantai Kuta, ataupun Pantai Dreamland. Meski begitu, keindahan yang dimiliki oleh pantai ini tidak kalah loh dibandingkan dengan pantai indah lain di Pulau Bali.
Pantai yang terletak di belahan Bali Timur ini memang menyajikan pemandangan sesuai dengan namanya. Pantai Matahari Terbit menjadi tempat yang sangat menarik untuk bisa menyaksikan pemandangan matahari terbit di pagi hari. Anda pun bisa datang ke tempat ini dan menyaksikan sunrise pada sekitar pukul 5.30 hingga 6 pagi.

15 April 2020 19:07

Pergi ke nusa penida paling bagus dari sini.cuma kadang kadang jangan ditutup.atur parkir yang bagus

06 April 2020 9:48

Salah satu pantai yang bisa anda kunjungi untuk bermain dan mandi. Dengan hamparan pasirnya kita bisa leluasa bermain

06 Desember 2019 13:23

Someone stole our helmets from our bikes. We got them tied to the trunk so they had to cut the straps

02 November 2019 15:33

Came to visit because our boat departed from this beach, heading to Penida.
It's pretty ok, not so many tourist.
On our way back from Penida there was a Hindu ceremony just finished, so a lot of local in traditional outfit and a little traffic.

24 September 2019 1:26

Nah kalau ke pantai matahari terbit ini aku paling suka nyari makanan sup kepala ikan. Sambil menikmati suasana pantai.
Harganya lumayan murah seporsi dapat nasi, sup ikan, dan ikan gorengnya hanya 35K. Super mantap pedasnya.

13 September 2019 20:30

Ininpantai sanur. Tempat menunggu kapal berangkat ke nusa penida betangkat pagi2 sekali.parkir mohip dannkamar mandi tersedian. 2019 harga kmr mandinya 5rbu.sesuai namanya lihat sunrise disini.

13 September 2019 14:31

Pantai matahari terbit terletak di daerah Sanur, tempat untuk menyebrang ke Nusa Lembongan dan ke Nusa Penida, dipantai Sanur ini biasanya banyak di kunjungi pengunjung lokal untuk rekreasi ke pantai, berekreasi di waktu weekend

05 September 2019 1:22

Invasion.got to see to believe.right before sunset.tourist boats returning from the islands.disembark onto the crude oil black looking shore.lots of engine noise and kites flying overhead.people running.dragging, holding hands in their huge backpacks. Normandy.the only thing different are those LV logos which gave them away.

25 Agustus 2019 8:42

Nice but very crowded as thousands of people are crossing to Nusa Penida daily. Nusa Penida seems to currently be "The" destination everybody is after, and this beach is where they board the boats to Penida. According to some locals, weekends are usually super crowded.

24 Agustus 2019 22:06

It's nice beach with medium wave and black sand. You can swim there or enjoying Bali island from the other side. If you lucky enough, you will be able to see the Mt. Agung. It's near the main road, so easier to be found. The most good thing is it is FREE!

23 Agustus 2019 6:03

So many warungs along the beach:) I haven't been there during the sunrise though, but I probably will soon:) I had tahu Lombok 2days ago and I'll go back again tomorrow!

20 Agustus 2019 3:23

Salah satu pantai wisata di bali dengan keunikannya sesuau namanya kita jika beruntung bisa melihat matahati mulai terbit di sini.
Disamping itu juga di pantai ini terdapat pos tempat penyebrangan kapal feri menuju Nusa Penida ato Nusa Lembongan.
Banyak aneka makanan juga di sana diantaranya yang terkenal ya itu Sop Kepala Ikan kalo sudah ke pantai ini pasti warung makan itu dah yang di kunjungi.
Yang paling penting tempatnya bersih dan pasilitan Mck nya yang bagus di pantai ini

i made suberatha
09 Agustus 2019 8:42

Bagian tak terpisahkan dari kebesaran nama PANTAI SANUR yang dikenal masyarakat wisata pantai.
Berlokasi hanya beberapa ratus meter di sebelah utara Hotel GRAND Inna BALI.

SEBAGAI tempat rekreasi sekaligus juga tempat RITUAL umat Hindu yang eksotik

08 Agustus 2019 18:59

Hari ini, Jumat (26/7/2019) pantai ini dikunjungi Menteri Perhubungan Republik Indonesia Budi Karya Sumadi yg didampingi Dirjen Hublaut, Gubernur Bali I Wayan Koster meninjau lokasi yang akan dibangun pelabuhan untuk menyeberangkan turis yg akan mengunjungi Pulau Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan dan Nusa Ceningan. Pembangunan dermaga ini merupakan bagian dari segitiga emas yg dikembangkan Gubernur Koster. Rencana pembangunan ini akan dilaksanakan TA. 2020 mendatang.

07 Agustus 2019 2:29

I see there is a cafee in the background, it was normal at first, but when I was there, it was very extraordinary, the owner Pak Faris, he gave a unique impression at the bar and restaurant, all prices were very affordable, there we could be very exciting, me and friends, oia 1 again, where can you really release the fatigue on your head.thank you Mr. Faris.

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