Pantai batu barak

Alamat Jalan Tanah Barak, Near, Kutuh, Bali
Kategori Tourist Attraction
Peringkat 4.7 23 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Pandawa Beach — Jl. Pantai Pandawa, Kutuh, Bali
TIMBIS FLYING SITE — Kutuh, South Kuta, Bali
Gunung Payung Beach — Pantai Gunung Payung, Kutuh, Kec. Kuta Sel., Bali

Pantai batu barak ulasan

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14 Januari 2024 16:57

What a disappointing moment. We went there for the 1st time by car, just to found out that no parking spot on the beach! Wish the ladies informed us ahead when they charged us with Pandawa Beach entrance (we mentioned we were going to Tanah Barack Beach) and we didn't want to go to Pandawa Beach, they are kind of next to each other but still, good information and communication are necessary! Also there are A LOT OF cars parked on the NO PARKING AREA between the cliff, occupied almost half of the side road, and ppl are taking pictures for only God knows how long and made unnecessary traffic. If you're not ready to open the Tanah Batak beach, just inform the ppl that the beach accessible for BIKES ONLY. Someone should organize the FOMO ppl who parked between the CLIFF. We decided to make U-Turn and maybe comeback with bikes so we can actually visit TANAH BARAK BEACH. Waste of time.

13 Januari 2024 18:37

Setelah pos tiket akan melewati jalanan dengan tebing batu cadas putih dikanan kiri, sayangnya kendaraan di ijinkan parkir dan berhenti di sisi jalan, mengurangi keindahan tebing tsb, ikuti jalanan ke arah pantai akan ketemu pantai kecil berkarang dan pasir putih dgn tebing ber guha guha kecil.hati2 jalanannya curam dan terjal
Tiket 8000, mobil 5000

yu adventure gallery
19 Juli 2023 0:39

This is a very nice beach. I love the scene and the view. Many people come to this place because the limestone wall. This place is fascinating because a high straight limestone as a welcome view. Many people stop here to take some photo but me and my wife dont like it. It make this place a little bit jammed for the traffic.

Back to the beach. The scenery was very beautiful. But one note, dont go down to the beach by car because no U turn and no parking area in the below. Just park on the upper side and walk. Especially for big car. Please add a parking area and this place would be nice.

15 Juli 2023 3:16

Actually this beach is beside Pandawa beach, we also could say the iconic streetvro this beach is the other way to go to Pandawa beach.

14 Juli 2023 18:08

Paradise found.

This secret beach is just next to a more crowdy and popular big beach with a lot of people. It's a hidden gem because there are nearly no people. The water looks dreamlike, the view to the ocean is amazing and it's the perfect place to relax and enjoy the beach and the ocean of Bali.

I highly recommend to go here if you are looking for dreamlike, lonely beaches with clear water and relaxed atmosphere. Loved this place!

09 Juli 2023 18:48

You guys should came here and explore all the areas cause lots of best spot, and lucky me to find this natural pool.

01 Juli 2023 18:18

Pantai batu barak punya pesona tersendiri. Tetap hati hati saat melewati jalur ini, karena banyak pengunjung berfoto di tengah jalan, lebih baik berkendara dengan pelan pelan

18 Juni 2023 0:15

Salah satu pantai yang gokil sih menerut saya. Aksesnya gak susah. Ada juga spot foto diantara tebing yg ciamik. Pokoknya yg suka foto ini tempatnya keren bgt si. Airnya jernih. Gelombangnya tenang. Just info untuk masuk bayar 10rb/org

10 Juni 2023 22:37

Nice spot to chill. The place is right beside Pandawa Beach. But no exact sign yet near the way to the beach, when I came, we supposed to turn right but we head to Pandawa beach.

All good, we got a good photos and videos as well, entrance tiket just 8k/person (on my visited).

13 Mei 2023 15:22

Nice and quiet still.
Hope it stay like this for the future.
Crystal clear water and very calm.
Best time to come is early in the morning

10 Mei 2023 22:03

Pantai ini masih bersih, karakternya sedikit mirip dengan pantai Gunung Payung. Tidak ada biaya tiket masuk.

30 April 2023 23:25

Pantainya bagus, hanya saja anak tangganya terlalu tinggi & curam. Kalau naik turun tangga sambil gendong anak harus extra hati²

30 April 2023 8:44

Pantai yg indah.smoga tidak cepat di jamah oleh beach club.perlu hati2 di parkiran jgn meninggalkan barang di motor karna msh banyak monyet yg jahil.

26 April 2023 16:12

Letaknya bersebelahan dengan Pantai Pandawa bahkan ada jalan tembus menuju Pandawa dari Batu Barak.

Saya datang pagi hari, kondisinya kosong tidak ada pengunjung sama sekali. Di bawah ada area parkir mobil lalu dilanjut sedikit jalan kaki untuk turun ke pantai. Pantainya bagus dengan banyak batu karang besar-besar. Di dinding tebing nya ada banyak cerukan-cerukan menyerupai goa kecil.

Belum ada fasilitas apapun di sini, pantainya masih sangat natural kecuali akses masuknya berupa tebing yang sudah dipapas namun fotogenik.

23 April 2023 10:20

Ada tiketnya ga tau berapa karena kita pagi2 ke pantai belum ada ticketing pas pulang udah ada orang, di tebing ini banyak bangeetttttss kaki seribu tapi tebingnya yg phobia mending jngan nekat, seru sunrisean disini. Pantainya nyambung ke pantai pandaaa

22 April 2023 13:15

Yang paling special adalah tebing yang dibelah menjadi jalan sebelum sampai dibibir pantainya.

21 April 2023 22:04

Cant help but to admire the beauty of nature. 10/10 would come back again, hopefully wont be too crowded like Pandawa beach

I Gede Arysandy Putra
09 April 2023 2:25

Pantai Tanah Barak, Jalan Tanah Barak. (Dekat dengan pantai Pandawa)

Saya pribadi senang dengan pantai ini. Pasir halus, dengan batu-batu karang, serta hijau daun dari pohon di tebing.

Disini kalian bisa foto dengan tebing, pasir, batu-batu, dll.

Bila ingin menikmati pantai ini dengan suasana sepi, saran saya untuk tidak datang pada weekend dan pada saat matahari terbenam.

Tiket masuk untuk satu motor dan dua orang hanya Rp. 18.000.

Iklan: Bila teman-teman ingin berlibur ke Bali, membutuhkan guide lokal, produk kesehatan, apoteker dalam perjalanan anda, bisa menghubungi saya di 085227772500:)

Liburan ke Bali, jangan lupa ke Pantai Tanah Barak! ;)

Ni Putu Ardani
07 April 2023 19:16

Pantai nya biru dengan tebing-tebing yg indah, masih belum banyak diketahui masyarakat luas, tiket masuk perorang 8.000 dan parkir 2.000. Hanya sekedar saran kalau ingin kesini pas cuaca lagi cerah agar hasil foto lebih memuaskan

04 April 2023 14:22

The entrance to the beach is wonderful. The beach is also really clean. I really recommend to visit this place in your weekend

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