Njana Tilem Museum

Alamat Jl. Raya Mas No.162, MAS, Ubud, Bali
Telepon +62 361 980707
Kategori Art Museum, Art Cafe, Art Center, Event Venue, Performing Arts Group
Peringkat 4.6 19 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Agung Rai Museum of Art — Jl. Raya Pengosekan Ubud, Ubud, Bali
Setia Darma House of Mask and Puppets — Jalan Tegal Bingin, Banjar Tengkulak Tengah, Kemenuh, Sukawati, Bali
Rudana Museum — Jl. Cok Rai Pudak No.44, Peliatan, Ubud, Bali
ART WOOD NIKINI — Jl. Cok Rai Pudak, Peliatan, Ubud, Bali

Njana Tilem Museum ulasan

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16 Juli 2021 8:17

Museum seni d Ubud Bali ini punya banyak koleksi hasil seni patung seniman2 Bali. Lokasinya sangat strategis di pinggir jalan besar menuju pusat kota Ubud.
Udaranya sejuk sehingga sering dipakai untuk beraneka event2.

22 Juni 2021 16:13

Very great hospitality. Feel like home. Tebo is the best host.
There's archery activity so good for health.
Take a trip to thia place. It's worth!

22 Juni 2021 0:04

Tempat yg di buat dari cita2 dari pemilik musium untuk bisa menjadi sebuah tempat yg memiliki guna dan manfaat utk masyarakat sekitar khususnya di bidang seni tari tope dan lain nya. Dengan keunikan bangunan musium ini bisa dijadikan pilihan berekreasi bersama keluarga krn ada areal hijau yg luas di dalam dan pastinya musium tempat menyimpan barang seni. Ada juga fasilitas resto dan cafe. Yg suka memanah terdapat area utk berlatih. Aula juga dgn ukuran lumayan menampung banyak orang nantinya.

28 Januari 2020 12:21

Great collection of Balinese woodcarving and paintings. Definitely worth a visit if you’re in the area. Staff is super friendly and was very helpful with explaining the pieces and answering all our questions.

06 Januari 2020 2:30

Koleksinya luar biasa, tempatnya menyenangkan, cocok bagi orang2 pecinta seni ukir dan ketenangan?

24 Desember 2019 20:33

Last Saturday, I went to museum in Ubud, it was the Njana Tilem Museum and the place was amazing. It was home the creation of Ida Bagus Njana and his son Ida Bagus Tilem. They were maestros of Balinese wood carving here in Ubud. Their works penetrate the boundaries of time and culture. It’s very proud of being Indonesian to know that such an amazing works created here in my country and I was delighted to be able to enjoy unforgettable carvings and various collections. I hope that this museum will still be well taken cared for generations to come.

07 November 2019 6:10

If Balinese woodcarving means anything to you, this beautiful museum is not to be missed. The collection is of high quality and displayed in a fitting architecture. This museum deserves more attention from those visitors who come to Bali for more than just shopping.

21 Oktober 2019 21:58

Don't know about the museum itself, but as a venue to rent it has proven to be a horrible experience on many levels.
As it goes, a deal was negotiated, when approved by both parties, a down payment to lock it. They suddenly send a new pricelist and expect us to follow it. When meeting less than a month before the event to go over the details, they changed even more costs which were already agreed on beforehand. At which point we just cancelled it, because our budget couldn't allow their continues addition of costs.
Now we're trying to get 50% of the downpayment back, according to the agreement, and they revise that they can't.

Please when you can't manage your venue, don't drag us into it.

20 Juli 2019 6:29

Tempat yg sangat bagus di Ubud, sangat cocok sbg lokasi Pesta Rakyat pd acara Hype 2019, kemarin.

28 Juni 2019 4:15

Area Museum ini sangat luas dan tradisional tapi sangat nyaman. Area parkir juga luas. Waktu itu kita pakai buat acara Closing HYPE 2019. Dsini ada panggung untuk pentas yang sangat besar. Ada juga bale besar, bisa untuk persiapan pementasan ataupun meeting informal. Keren deh tempatnya!

14 Februari 2019 23:00

Well worth the visit. A beautiful museum dedicated to the wood carving master works of Tilem and his father Njana. The museum is in the heart of Mas, a village dedicated to
wood carving and presents selected pieces of its two great historical master carvers Ida Bagus Njana and Ida Bagus Tilem. There is also Balinese
antiques, paintings and masks on display.

Njana and Tilem, changed the face of Balinese carving. Njana took simple carving lines to a new level and Tilem introduced works using naturally distorted driftwood to express
emotion and abstract thought form.

The museum itself has an architectural style reminiscent of the bygone era of
Majapahit kingdom. The second section of the museum is a private collection of the family. A small
Museum shop is downstairs and if you have time, stay and have lunch. The cafe looks closed, but it is not closed. This museum has not had its official
Opening, just a soft opening at this stage. The grounds are huge and there is plenty to do here - so plan a 2 hour stay or more.

18 November 2018 16:44

Tempat yang luas dengan kebun yang rapi, bersih dan simple. Good choice to escape. Ada kafenya juga Lo. Pemiliknya, Bp. Ida Bagus Alit juga baik sangat ramah dan sopan. Untuk event wedding, seminar ataupun gala dinner juga bisa karena luas total 1,5 hektar. Selamat berkunjung!

29 Oktober 2018 1:15

Fantastic collection of important work. Very impressive.however not allowed to take any photos.in fact I was watched by the guard the entire time I was there. I was the only visitor.he would not leave me alone. I don’t know what he thought I was going to do! I had no phone no iPad no bag.rather intimidating.but polite person. I did say at the end.why not any a book I can could purchase?

15 Oktober 2018 15:11

Tempat yang bagus bagi anda pecinta seni, benar2 asri tempatnya, nuansanya, bangunannya, benar2 wow

13 Oktober 2018 21:46

This was a delight, I stumbled across it and decided to have a look. The building is impressive, grounds are beautiful, and you can admire many excellent artworks; mostly sculptures, some paintings. There is a restaurant too which would be a lovely place for lunch; I just had my complimentary drink which was delicious.

15 September 2018 11:07

Museum yang sangat cocok untuk pecinta seni pahat, didalam banyak terdapat mahakarya yang tidak ternilai harga nya. Anda yang ke gianyar harus kesini

30 Mei 2018 11:20

An exquisite museum for this brilliant family of important wood sculptors. Pieces are beautifully displayed, not cluttered and overwhelming. Works include not only their own, but also their personal collections and the best-of-the-best of other sculptors.
The museum building and gardens themselves are lovely. And a great restaurant. Plenty of easy parking.

16 Maret 2018 13:22

Salah satu museum yang menyimpan karya dua maestro pahat di Desa Mas, Ubud Bali. Kedua maestro, Njana dan Tilem memiliki kontribusi besar dalam perkembangan seni pahat modern di Bali. Museum ini menyimpan patung yang dibuat sejak tahun 1940-an

27 Januari 2018 14:57

Nice museum with many woodcarvings and some paintings.its already worth to see the building itself.but no pictures allowedEntrance fee 80.000 western 60000 local

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