Mount Catur Trail Start

Alamat Jl. Puncak Mangu, Batunya, Bali
Jam 00:00-24:00
Kategori Hiking Area
Peringkat 4.9 14 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
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Mount Catur Trail Start ulasan

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07 November 2023 3:20

The start of track looks different now, because there is new road near it. I added photo of my friends, that showing you correct path.
The first part of the trail (until 5 shelter) is easy and the rest part is twice harder I think.

Time to the top 3: 40, but we moved slowly, talking a lot and making photos.
Time to the bottom 2: 40 but there was rain and really slippery mud.
On the way down I always choose right path.

Also we caught 4 leeches, so be careful.

There is only one viewpoint on the track and most of the time you will just walk in a jungle.

Beautiful temple and group of monkeys on the top

By the way, we also meet big group of Indonesians on the top. They removed all plastic trash from the summit, big thanks for them

Xi An 2ri
23 September 2023 3:29

Very challenging track after 5th post, grab on tree root style climbing, so if you dont like your hands dirty, this may not be suitable for you. Pretty sure ill be back here often for training, since i already stay long term in Bali.

28 Juli 2023 18:45

The first part (trail along five shelters) is kinda easy, but still jungly with overgrown vegetation and you'll be rubbing yourself against a good number of bushes. The second part is just as jungly (not more), but quite steeper and technically tougher because you're walking/climbing a lot on tree roots and you'll definitely need to use your hands often. It's not incredibly hard, but it's no walk in the park either. If you do that part, you should be more or less in shape. And be careful on the way down, it gets slippery.

No sightings of spiders/snakes or other nasties, but take precautions against leeches. And almost no people anywhere (I only encountered two locals near the summit). By the way, don't believe the maps, as the steep part is much slower than advertised because it involves a fair bit of climbing. Although if you are on a foggy day with no views and you don't need the 'challenge' part of the experience, I think that turning back after the fifth shelter is a pretty reasonable course of action.

Took me about four hours up and down, I think, but I am a generally fast hiker.

Overall a pretty cool jungle hike!

29 Mei 2023 0:25

Pics of trailhead below! Difficult to find.

A great but difficult hike on a not well maintained trail, however, you probably won't see many other people. A good way to get away from the crowds.

Took us about 2 hrs 20 min (after finding the trailhead covered in brush) and we're in okay shape. The second half is much harder, overgrown, and steeper than the first half. Bring enough of your own water, bug spray, snacks, etc.

Like other people have said - if you make it to some farms, you've gone too far. See pic below for where the trail splits - the right one is a farmers motorbike trail and the left (hidden one) is the trail to the peak. About 20 min after that split you'll find post 1, kinda broken but a sign you're on the correct trail. There are a few other posts and structures after that one.

View from top was cloudy - couldn’t see much when we went but there was a ceremony happening at the top. If you are not Balinese, do not enter the temple space if there is a ceremony happening. If you bring a sarong and are dressed appropriately you can look around the temple if there is no ceremony happening. Please respect the space and bring all your trash down with you and if you can, bring other trash left at the top with you as well.

Note that there are other paths from the top to other destinations - these do not loop around or connect to the path you came up. One goes to the Pelaga/Plaga village on a different side of the mountain.
Pics from May 2019, may have changed since then! (For some reason my review got deleted, so updating it because it has seemed helpful)

26 Mei 2023 15:01

I trekked about 4 to 5 kilometers to the summit and it took 1 hour and 30 minutes (including 10 minutes of rest). It is intermediate level after Force 5.
Proper attire is required to approach the temple.
Because it is above 2000 meters, it is difficult to expect sunrise or a view due to the nature of the climate, so it seems to be a good place to warm up before going to Mt. Agung and Mt. Batur.
Admission fee is 10,000 RP.

05 April 2023 11:18

This is not an easy one. Especially if it starts raining, which is very possible. We kept on the left side at every split road and reached top in around 3 hours with some breaks. You might wanna take some clothes to change with you.
At the top we were met with a bunch of wild monkeys. Luckily they were not nosy and kept their distance. There is another way down which is mostly stairs and tiles and makes way down way easier. However you'll end up on other side of the mountain and drive back to start point is around 40min. Grab/Gojak is available in area.

31 Maret 2023 5:04

I found it somewhat difficult to determine the start of the trail despite people's reviews. Here are my directions for what it's worth: Following maps until you cross the bridge by the lake. Continue up the narrow road up and over the crest of the hill (there are farms to the right at this point). As you go down the other side of the hill there will be a pretty obvious trail to the left. You can park somewhere at the bottom or continue up on scooter if feeling adventurous. As you go uphill on the smaller trail there will be a path of square stepping stones in the trail before too long (when you see them you'll know you're on the right one). There will eventually be another split in the trail described in Sydney's review (check that out for pics of the split). Take a left and from there it's just up and up through the jungle! Very enjoyable hike but it started raining after 1.5 hrs when I went and the trail basically turns into a river.

17 Oktober 2022 14:53

Loved it. Word of warning, the first hour of hiking is moderate and there are 5 resting stations in that segment. The second part is very steep compared to the first and it might take you longer than you might think to reach the end. According to my GPS, the total ascend is about 782 meters, bringing you to an elevation of 2075. The distance is about 4.5km. There's also some pretty slippery parts.

11 Oktober 2021 4:02

Very nice and challenging. It took me 2h to go up.
The last part is quite steep.
3-5h round trip depending on your condition.
See Sydney comment below to find the trail (can be a bit tricky)

15 Oktober 2019 22:42

The trail is quite easy to follow thanks to the indications and pictures of previous comments (thanks a lot Sydney). Just make sure to not miss the correct path at the beginning as indicated. Technically, it is quite easy, except for some parts, especially near the end, but still very accessible. It took us 2h20 minutes to go to the top. The view is supposed to be magnificent but it was very cloudy for us.
The temple is nice, but the view is what we were going for.
A lot of trashes at the top: (Please stay respectful

08 Oktober 2019 3:04

Pics of trailhead below! Difficult to find.

A great but difficult hike on a not well maintained trail but you probably won't see many other people. A good way to get away from the crowds. Took us about 2 hrs 20 min and we're in okay shape. Being enough of your own water, bug spray, snacks, etc.

Like other people have said - if you make it to some farms, you've gone too far. On the screenshot of the map, that's where the trail splits and the right one is a farmers motorbike trail and the left (hidden one) is the trail to the peak. About 20 min after that split you'll find post 1, kinda broken but a sign you're on the correct trail.
There are a few other posts after that one.

View from top was cloudy when we went but there was a ceremony happening at the top. If you are not balinese, do not enter the temple space if there is a ceremony happening. If you bring a sarong and are dressed appropriately you can look around the temple if there is no ceremony happening. Please respect the space and bring all your trash down with you and if you can, bring other trash left at the top with you as well.

21 Juni 2019 12:32

Little hard to find as the entrance is covered and the main track is not the right one. When it goes down and left there's a small opening in the bushes. Go straight there

11 Februari 2019 14:41

HEADS UP! Do not go into the forest, it takes you up into the farming fields which has nice views but isn’t the trail itself.
To get to the trail, walk down to the lake and go around counterclockwise. You will find it from there! Have fun!

05 Oktober 2018 1:44

Hard and sloppy trail to Mount Catur, alternative way to the trail starting in Plaga Village. Proper jungle, lots of trees, rocks and mud.

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