Micasa Residence

Alamat Jl. Mertanadi No.77/3, Kerobokan, Kelod, Bali
Telepon +62 821-4483-5657
Kategori Extended Stay Hotel
Peringkat 4 23 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
niramaya villa — St, Jl. Arjuna Gg. Raja No.3, Seminyak, Bali
ULUN SUWI KOST EXCLUSIF — Gg. Ulun Suwi No.88, Pemecutan Klod, Bali
Hotel Ratu Ex.Queen Hotel — Jl. Yos Sudarso No.4, Dauh Puri Klod, Denpasar Barat, Bali
Kari Kost 4 — Padangsambian, Denpasar Barat, Bali

Micasa Residence ulasan

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22 Juli 2023 21:26

There is no refrigerator in the room I stayed in. It seems that each room option is different.

14 Juli 2023 7:40

Kebersihan nya agak sangat kurang sekali dan kelayakan handuk nya sangat kurang baik. TOILET nya sangat2x kurang layak. Seperti nya tidak ada atau Kurang sekali pemerhati kelayakan pakai nyaa. Please tolong lebih diperhatikan. Demi kenyamanan kami pengunjung, yg memiliki impian indah tentang Micasa.

18 April 2023 5:23

The first time i stayed in this hotel is in 2020, second time in 2021, third time in 2022.

So actualy this february 2023 is my fourth time staying here.
To be honest, i kinda bit dissapointed for my fourth stay.

Here's my suggestion for the management to make this hotel better. I thinks it's not something hard or expensive to do.

1. The bed need a new sheet.
2. The sofa in the corner room need cleaning.
3. The dining table chair in our room need repair (glue or stich).
4. The sink in our room need major cleaning.
5. The wall behind the desk in our room need some repair and painting.
I think to do no. 1-5 will not cost the hotel more than Rp. 1.000.000.
So please micasa, think about repairing the room.

In my opinion, this hotel is in a very strategic place. Near to seminyak and canggu. Good price. This hotel have weekly price as well. Overall i still love this hotel so much.

15 April 2023 12:50

The experience is so good all things are good service is so good pool is clean every 10 days location are so good any body come Bali live in this hotel is very nice place

11 April 2023 2:55

Sebenarnya hotel ini mempunyai lokasi yang tenang.jauh dari kebisingan.hanya saja hotel ini mempunyai kamar yang kurang dirawat.mulai dari sofa, seprei dan selimut yang warnanya tidak cerah lagi, debu pada kamar.terutama kamar mandi yang kurang bersih, juga semprotan air yang rusak.

02 April 2023 16:24

Nice place, stayed for 5 nights here for new year. Staffs are nice. So quiet, I like it. The room is huge. It is cool place for that price. It also near everywhere.

18 Februari 2023 23:26

We spent 2 nights in this hotel, it cost 1500 rubles each, surprisingly it was very good, we were here in 2019, I really liked it, the staff is nice, it’s clean, comfortable and not expensive

22 November 2022 7:52

Untuk apartemen ini sangat nyaman saya menghabiskan waktu sekitar 9 hari disini dan lokasi nya agak masuk ke dalam gang sehingga tidak terlalu rame atau bising dari kendaraan yg lewat atau suara musik dari toko atau warung di jalan utama Jadi enak untuk istirahat disana.

Ada kolam renang nya Jadi bisa berenang, ada sofa Di lobby sehingga bisa santai juga di sana.

Disini saya ketemu dan berkenalan dengan orang prancis yg sangat ramah dan senang bergaul dengan lokal yaitu alex dan manu juga teman nya si cantik claudia dari swiss. Sehingga Kita bisa berdiskusi atau bertukar pikiran dengan orang beda negara. Sangat menyenangkan sekali, dan merupakan pengalaman yg sangat berharga.

Untuk harga kamar di bawah lebih mahal daripada kamar yg di atas Karena akses ke kolam renang yg mudah dan juga ada microwave dan kulkas di kamar bawah juga tempat makan yg jarang digunakan.

Untuk Pelayanan baik dan bisa kenal dengan
Pegawai disana bli dika, bli made dan banyak yg lupa disebutin namanya.

Untuk minus nya, ada banyak anjing yg lewat di sekitar kamar Jadi bagi yg takut anjing tidak disarankan memilih kamar bawah.

Juga Shower yg gak fleksible sehingga Kalau mau mandi harus Di pegang gagang shower nya, untuk parkir sepeda motor atau mobil terkena sinar matahari langsung.

Untuk Sewa disini bisa harian dan mingguan, Cuma mingguan disini hanya 6 hari 6 malam. Agak aneh juga tapi ya itu rule dari yg punya.

19 November 2022 16:53

First time we saw the room, it was a bit dusty. But after talking to the receptionist, they cleaned it up and we decided to stay for 12 days. It was pleasant and they cleaned the room everyday. The room is big and cozy. Would love to visit again

27 Juli 2022 12:03

For the price and location its great. Very clean. Staff always smiling and will help with anything. A fair few villa owners would benefit from coming here to see how cleaning is done! No frills, cheap accommodation with working ac and fridges.

24 Maret 2022 3:57

Lokasi tidak di samping jalan besar tapi masuk ke gang gitu tapi mudah di temukan kok kareja ada petunjuk arah nya. Kamarnya bersih dan bagus. Dapat harga 180 permalam. Kalau mau early checkin disini bisa banget dengan charge 50% dari harga sewa.

10 Maret 2022 8:01

Super comfy with super affordable price. Deket dari mana-mana biarpun agak lieur dikit tiap nyari gangnya. Teruntuk mbak dan mas yg ngebersihin bungkus makanan aku dan ayang kemaren aku ucapkan terimakasih banget ya maaf kita berdua makannya banyak banget wkwkwkwk see u next yearrr

13 Desember 2021 11:52

Stayed for 3 days here. Very strategic location in kerobokan, you can easily find convenience stores, bars, and coffee shops around.

The staffs are very friendly and the pool is clean. Definitely worth the price (which was extremely affordable)

10 September 2021 16:40

Staff brilliant, nothing special but rooms nice, cleaned ever day always a big welcome, nice I have stayed here several times and never any problems at all well recommended

19 Agustus 2021 8:24

Kamar tergolong besar dan fasilitas lengkap dengan harga ekonomis dan kebersihan termasuk baik.

16 Agustus 2021 20:03

Strategic location, quiet area, get the suite with kitchen in it! Huge room and clean bathroom with affordable price and good internet. I had to do zoom meetings everyday and there was only a slight delay in the connection. Concierge was helpful too.

08 November 2018 12:15

Big room with little space for minimalist dining table and a microwave.no breakfast options and the window only has this blinds that will definitely wake you up as it lets the room get too bright in the morning. Blinds indeed. Not for everyone. Not for every drunk one.

26 Oktober 2018 13:48

If you want to meet huge dog close to place you stay (and there are many other dogs here, they are dangerous), you can stay here. I was very scared and jumped up the fancy because I saw the huge dog coming to me.

26 Maret 2018 14:09

Great and comfy place, but I think it's a very thin wall. And they need to cleañ the bathroom regularly.

09 Januari 2018 18:38

The place was OK, but very thin walls and inconsiderate neighbors who smoked in the room and all the cigarette smoke was coming in to our room through the exhaust in the bathroom and our interconnecting door. Other than that it was a nice cheap place to stay. Good friendly staff who were very helpful

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