Massage Clinic Usada Pak Oles

Alamat Ruko Moleque, Jl. Bypass Ngurah Rai No.7 Blok L, Pedungan, Bali
Telepon +62 361 727821
Situs web www.pakoles.com
Kategori Massage Therapist
Peringkat 4.3 27 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Prana Spa Bali — Jl. Kunti I No.118X, Seminyak, Kuta, Bali
Briella Spa — Jl. Werkudara No.526 B, Legian, Kec. Kuta
Coco Grande Spa — Jl. Plawa No.37, Seminyak, Kuta, Bali
King Massage Therapy — Jl. Raya Pemogan No.201, Pemogan, Denpasar Selatan, Bali

Massage Clinic Usada Pak Oles ulasan

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27 November 2023 19:47

Good massage specially if you look for non relaxation massage. Good for your nerve and muscles

22 November 2023 10:10

Bokashitherapy is amazing!
It's so hot that you should fidget to avoid getting burned! It's about 50 degrees.
The massage was of average skill.

26 Oktober 2023 16:56

Pelayanannya ramah, ruangannya juga bersih. Pemijatnya kuat2 tenaganya.jadi klo ga biasa/ga kuat pijat sepertinya harus siap2.

30 Agustus 2023 2:56

It varies depending on the practitioner.
Last time it wasn't great, but this time there were 3 of us and one was a really good therapist.
I bought bokashi oil and went home.

21 Agustus 2023 23:29

10an tahun sering kesini, akhir2 ini sering dapat terapis kurang bagus, mulai hunting cari tempat lain yang lebih konsisten, bayar mahal tidak masalah yang penting dapat terapis bagus

Sangat kecewa

11 Agustus 2023 19:31

I dare to write in Japanese. This is so that there will be no Japanese victims. This was my third massage and I used the Bokashi Care sand bath for the first time. First of all, I didn't wear a hood, and the uncle who was in charge of the sand bath with a little thick hair said that he would fix it, and he pulled the zipper all the way down and looked at my chest. I was stunned, sand, when I got out of the bath, I tried to change immediately, but was told to sit on a bench and relax. Then she said that she would rub my shoulders, and then she put some oil on it and started massaging my chest while telling me to relax. I was upset and said that this was enough and returned home. When I asked other Japanese friends, I heard that there are people who have similar experiences. Another friend refuses, saying it's okay because he's about to lower the zipper. It seems that there are times when he comes into the shower room with me and tries to help me wipe my body. That's why I write in Japanese. A friend told me that the person in charge of skinheads is quiet and okay. If you are going to enter the sand bath, ask the person in charge and if the person in charge is a fat person with hair, you should definitely not enter, or if there is suspicious behavior, it would be better to refuse immediately.think. The massage was very good and the receptionist was very nice, but this ruined my memories of my trip in Bali. Please be careful.

28 Mei 2023 21:19

Went for bokashi therapy & a relaxation full body massage (couple room). Was definitely not disappointed. It was super good! And cheap too. Was impressed by the couple room, it had a big bath tub inside. Would definitely come back here again if I have the opportunity!

25 April 2023 23:54

BAD SERVICE. I feel like they treat better indonesien costumers than western. They didn't serve me a free Ginger tea after the bokashi treatment and to indonesien woman Yes. After I had massage, during which I couldn't relax with all the questions from therapist about where I stay, where I am from, etc.

08 Desember 2022 7:32

Pijatan nya sangat recomended sekali!
Mbak-mbak yg mijetin juga sangat ramah, lulur mereka juga menyegarkan badan

15 Oktober 2022 13:05

Love the bokashi therapy and their massage, strong suggest you should at least try once, worth it.

29 Juli 2022 9:29

Ini adalah tempat yang pasti aku kunjungin kalau pulang ke Bali. Terapi yang aku ambil pijat 90 menit dan di kubur dalam rempah. Aku rekomendasiin klinik ini. Sudah ada dari jaman aku sd. Sayang bgt selama pandemi sepi. Yang paling menarik terapi "kubur rempah" bagus buat peredaran darah. Sayang untuk dilewatkan

10 Februari 2022 9:06

Pijitannya mbak Suci mantab bgt. Sayangnya titik lokasinya beda dg yg di grab car. Jatuhnya ke tempat laen. Jadinya harus jalan kaki. Ini menyebalkan bgt. Tolong diperbaiki titik di peta Grab.

03 September 2021 15:51

Nyobain aja sih kesini pas lagi ke bali, penasaran ma terapi bokashi nya. Mijetnya enak dan tenaganya juga kerasa banget, abis itu lanjut terapi bokashi dan kebetulan pas kesana itu pas banget baru kelar fermentasi tanahnya dan puanasnya ga ketulungan, setelah 20 menit mentas langsung kliyengan tapi setelah itu badan terasa seger banget

02 Juni 2021 12:34

Pegawai ramah. Kurang suka dengan pijatannya. Terapi kuburnya top. Ruangan bersih dan wangi rempah.

10 Mei 2021 23:59

Sya ud langganan disini sejak 10th lalu karna suami suka massage disini karna suasana sunyi jdi enak waktu massage.tapi tgl 23 April kemarin sya dapat terapys yg bener2 menyebalkan dia bahasnaya bener2 gak sopan ke sya dan dan cara pijetnya kasar dan sperti gak niat mijet.sya di room cauple sama suami dan terapys yg sama suami sya orangnya enak dan sopan.tapi yg sama sya bener2 ga sopan tidak ramah wajahnya cemberut. 1,5 jam sya nahan jengkel saat dipijet.mauny berenti ditenggah waktu pijet tp sya masi tahan2 karna nanti prasaan.setelah dipijet bukanya badan enak yg ada sakit semua trus betis kiri kanan ngilu.sya tanya didepan siapa namanya eh malah semua terapys yg masuk waktu itu disebutin semua namanya sudahlah jadi malas sya kesana lagi.m

15 April 2021 7:37

Tempatnya sangat nyaman dan sudah menginguti standar protokol kesehatan dengan tenaga terapist yang profesional pokoknya top baget deh

18 Maret 2021 18:11

Literally the best massage place in the whole Island! You should definitely try it. Guaranteed you will never go to any other massage place anymore

05 Maret 2021 16:03

Tempat massage dan terapi terbaik menurut saya d bali. Harga terjangkau (pakai member). Klinik pijat asli bukan kaleng2 dan bukan plus-plus.

12 Desember 2020 21:28

Best. Good hospitality, affordable, relaxing! I visit at least once in every three months. Oh, they also serve ginger tea after treatment (no additional cost!) i also got the price list from them:)

22 November 2018 7:03

Kalau pijatannya kurang cocok, hanya ngurut-ngurut aja aja meskipun sebenarnya ramuannya hangat. Yang enak yang direndam pasir dengan campuran rempah yang difermentasi. Cukup panas padahal menurut dia, pasir difermentasi ulang setelah 7 hari karena panasnya sudah berkurang. Saat itu pasir sudah hari ke 7 saja masih panas seperti itu, gimana yang hari pertama

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