Kuta Plaza Restaurant Sunset Road

Alamat Jl. Sunset Road No.888, Seminyak, Kuta, Bali
Telepon +62 361 751833
Jam 10:00-22:00
Kategori Family Restaurant, Cantonese Restaurant, Chinese Restaurant, Dumpling Restaurant, Restaurant
Peringkat 4.5 24 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Joker's Bar & Grill Bali — Jalan legian,kelod (South Legian Street), No 153, Kuta, Badung, Kuta, Denpasar, Bali
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Gourmet Cafe — Jalan Dewi Sri Seminyak.888, Legian, Kec. Kuta, Bali

Kuta Plaza Restaurant Sunset Road ulasan

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02 September 2023 0:14

Banyak pilihan menu, ada menu vegetarian juga. Penyajian cepat, rasa enak, pelayanan oke, bersih & tempatnya cukup luas, bisa muat banyak.

02 Februari 2023 0:41

Good taste of chinese food.
Restaurant is clean, staffs are professional.
Good food, good cook for chinese food.
Seafood also really fresh, enjoying my meal here

08 Januari 2023 8:17

I personally love this places, great food, cheap price, fast serving when not crowded
always first choice

04 Desember 2022 4:51

Pelayanan di resto ini cukup baik. Kami mengunjungi Kuta Plaza untuk makan malam dengan rombongan field trip.
Makanan yang disajikan masih hangat saat kami datang karena tim pendahulu sudah di sana.
Saran saya jika datang dengan rombongan, komunikasikan dengan pihak resto supaya saat rombongan datang, makanan masih dalam keadaan hangat.
Reccomended menu: ayam goreng tepung, orak-arik telor, angsio tahu

11 November 2022 10:16

Menyenangkan makan bareng keluarga di restoran ini, hidangan nya enak banget tempat nya bersih dan nyaman dan karyawan ramah dan sopan, layanan cepat. Ayo kita datang langsung makan bareng keluarga.

26 September 2022 18:09

Hidangan seafood sangat enak ada disini, tempat nya bersih, karyawan ramah dan sopan. Sangat cocok makan bareng keluarga.

09 September 2022 10:56

It was a restaurant where they served Chinese dishes. The restaurant was very clean including their bathroom. Before the meal, they served hot tea which was very nice. Food was fresh and good although the potion was quite small for 8 people/table. I liked their watermelon a lot, very sweet and juicy. The fried dishes tasted almost the same and no one could guess what they were eating. The staff was not very friendly, they served everything fast and quickly went back to their place.

05 September 2022 21:35

Self served and sat at a table for a good minute before the waitress realised we were there. Food was average at best. Funniest was when we put the cash inside the bill and she chased after us telling us we haven’t paid without opening it up. Good sense of humour this place has at least.

14 Juli 2022 23:05

Kuta plaza is located at the main road that connecting denpasar to Seminyak area
It has spacious parking lot and its easy to spot from the main road.
Located across krisna oleh oleh
They serve chinese fresh seafood.
So.you dont need to worry about their food quality.
It has other branch located at denpasar renon called restaurant renon.

05 Juli 2022 2:28

Good food, big place, many tables but sometimes not enough especially when peak seasons. Better come earlier.

30 Juni 2022 21:11

Wonderful service, food and fair prices. Recommended for families looking for a healthy, quick service halal meal. We will be back in shaa Allah

22 Juni 2022 16:16

Enak, bersih. Cuman self service. Minta dan pesen sendiri. Mungkin lg krg pegawai. Tp overal makanan enak.

16 Juni 2022 7:42


Ample parking space
Air conditioned
Food is so-so quality (it used to be better under previous management)


Takes forever to have our food served
Cleanliness (tables, restrooms)
Quite small portions for party of more than four people

12 Juni 2022 1:49

Selama di seminyak, suka bolak balik makan di sini, chinese food halal, hahaha, rasanya enak dan harganya ramah kantong, buat warga muslim bisa banget mampir ke sini, no pork no lard lah pokoknya, aman

06 Juni 2022 2:50

Real chinese food and vibe, hands down. I really like their package manu as ordering in Chinese food restaurants can be a hassle. Make sure to order their Kuta Plaza fried chicken!

03 Juni 2022 4:16

Dah laaahh bahas resto ini cuma bikin iler tumpah sajah (krn akyu di jakarta guys), segala macam nya enak bestieee, anak ku umur 3th yg picky eater ajaaahhh lahaaappp haaapp hhaaappp disiniiii, udang rebus nya fressshhh (order baru diambil udang nya hidup2 dari akuarium), kepiting soka telur asinnya kesukaan anakku, sup asparagus nya menghangatkan perut dan memanjakan lidah, bahkan tumis sayur bawang putih yg super simpel aja enak, ikan bumbu bali nya astagah naga enaknya, kerang saus tiram nyaaaaa.dah ah bahasnya sedih akyu tuh cuma bisa makan disini setaon sekali. Berbahagialah warga bali yang bisa menikmati nya setiap hari. Sekian dan terima kasih.

07 Mei 2022 13:35

The Cheapest chinese food in town and also tasty! Suitable for lunch dinner or anything with your family.

25 April 2022 16:08

Rasa makanannya enak dan halal, tempat parkir luas, dari luar kelihatannya kecil tapi didalamnya luas banget dan bersih.

05 April 2022 17:18

Mkanannya enak dan tmpt bersih. Klo sepi pelayanan cepat, pd saat ramai bs nggu hmpir sejam utk mkan.

01 April 2022 17:54

I've visited this restaurant when it was in the old location many times & I've also visited it when it moved to new location (sunset road). In my opinion, the foods are great! Good for enjoying good chinese food while gathering with family. Very recommended!

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