Kurma Asih Sea Turtle Conservation Center

Alamat Perancak, Jembrana, Bali
Telepon +62 819-3650-1926
Jam 08:00-18:00
Situs web kurma-asih.weebly.com
Kategori Animal Rescue Service, Tourist Attraction
Peringkat 5 38 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Villa Kitty Foundation — MAS, Ubud, Bali
Bali Exotic Marine Park — Jl. Bali Eksotik No.8, Pedungan, Denpasar Selatan, Bali

Kurma Asih Sea Turtle Conservation Center ulasan

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03 November 2023 11:05

Amazing place, a must visit!

They are collecting turtle eggs from beaches around the area and “plant” them in protected areas. After they hatch they are “stored” in pools up to 7 days. The more active they are the earlier they are released in to the ocean.

You can ask to pet the turtles but you need to wash up first. If your lucky you can release a turtle into the ocean

There is no entrance fee but you are asked for a donation after the visit. (We gave 200k for 2 people)

You can ask to volunteer. We did that for a day and of course cleaning is one of the more time consuming tasks that is easy to help with. We were cleaning 4 of the pools and it’s kind of satisfying taking all of the baby turtles out, cleaning it, refilling the water and then putting them back while counting them.

There is a nice sea food restaurant in connection to the facility so it’s easy to get something to eat or drink.

23 Oktober 2023 12:50

Rekreasi dan Edukasi Satwa Penyu Terbaik di Jembrana. Mohon hubungi dulu sebelum kunjungan karena proses rehabilitasi penyu bersifat musiman agar tidak datang saat kolam kosong

20 Oktober 2023 20:29

Incredibly beautiful project! Absolutely recommended to go, hear the story behind it, learn about the turtles and see the little ones they save everyday

13 Oktober 2023 16:22

Amazing. What a great place. Saving the turtles. You can always come to help them. Just ask directly there. Highly recommended.

I Gd Yoga Andyka
20 Agustus 2023 11:47

Tempat makannya bagua ditepi pantai, ada konservasi penyu juga. Makanannya juga enak. Mantap

07 Agustus 2023 12:15

Highly recommended and worth the detour for. What an experience and super well set up. You get to see the whole process, you get a lot of information and you can do a lot yourself: from digging out a nest of turtles and also releasing the turtles into the sea. To support them we also adopted a litter.

27 April 2023 16:24

We got to release baby turtles into the ocean! It was way more informative that I expected and it was amazing to be apart of releasing the turtles back to nature!

22 Maret 2023 17:26

I came to this little fish restaurant it was the
Best seafood ever in bali, I wish I could give 6 stars, it’s right on the sand amazing view, if you in the area you must try,

22 Maret 2023 14:09

Cocok untuk liburan bersama keluarga, berwisata melihat penyu, kemudian menikmati sajian seafood, ada banyak variasi makanan, pembayaran dilakukan dengan tunai.

22 Maret 2023 3:36

What a wonderful place.
Great people doing great things.
Our host was very knowledgeable and spent a great amount of time explaining what they do and how they are saving turtles and protecting them for the future.
We had a great experience releasing 5 day old hatchlings into the wild. Somewhat emotional!
Highly recommend!

25 Januari 2023 6:19

I had the pleasure to come here and I’m really sorry I couldn’t stay more to help. Really good job! Please guys they need volunteers Negara is such a nice and peaceful place. Thanks again my friend:)

17 Desember 2022 4:13

I really enjoyed visiting this place. Was a short bike ride from Medewi. Koma (?) showed me around and answered many of my questions. They educate children about turtles and consequences of plastics ending up in the ocean. Great place run by volunteers. Hope more people will visit this place.

18 November 2022 8:20

A wonderful non commercial place. Best to go with children. Director Wayan was there for us all the time and we saw everything, from hatching to releasing small turtles to the sea. Very very recommendable!

07 November 2022 16:03

Sore ini saya dan keluarga kecil kami berkunjung ke satu-satunya penangkaran Penyu di Jembrana (Kurma Asih). Beruntung karena hari ini ada banyak Tukik (anak penyu) yang ada di penangkaran, jadilah anak kami melihat Tukik yg lucu2, hari ini juga ada beberapa Penyu yg sudah dewasa, beberapa dari mereka sedang dalam perawatan. Ini merupakan kali pertama kami berkunjung, kami disambut dengan sangat ramah oleh pengelola yg juga sekaligus sebagai pemandu yg siap menjelaskan sejarah dan jenis-jenis penyu yg ada.
Rencana awal kami hanya sekedar ingin melihat satwa yg dilindungi ini, namun ternyata di lokasi yg sama juga terdapat tempat makan yg menyediakan spesial menu Seafood. "Warung Ikan Bakar Kurma Asih" namanya. Sayang sekali sesaat sebelum berkunjung kami sudah makan dirumah, jadilah kami hanya memesan kopi dan kelapa muda sambil menikmati view pantai Perancak yg indah dengan Sunset yg mempesona.
Saya sarankan bagi anda yg akan berkunjung untuk melihat penyu juga dapat sekaligus mengunjungi dan merasakan kenikmatan ikan bakar di tempat ini, harganya sangat terjangkau. Sore itu kami disambut oleh pelayan warung yg sangat ramah, Sapta namanya. Sapta sangat ramah, ahli dalam memilih kelapa muda yg sesuai dengan preferensi anda, kopi bali yg disajikan juga sangat nikmat. Sapta ternyata lulusan salah satu Kampus Pariwisata terbaik di Jembrana (Monarch Bali Negara). Tak hanya Sapta, pelayan yang lain juga sangat ramah, saya juga sempat bertemu dengan owner dari warung tersebut, kalau tidak salah namanya Pak Arjun. Kami sempat mengobrol cukup lama, beliau ternyata telah lama mendirikan usaha tersebut, namun karena efek pandemi, warungnya sempat hampir tutup, namun karena kecintaan beliau di dunia kuliner, beliau dengan semangat pantang menyerah mempertahankan usahanya. Sempat mendapat bocoran dari ownernya bahwa bumbu/rempah-rempah yg digunakan pada proses pembuatan ikan bakar dan olahan seafood lainnya bebas dari penyedap rasa/MSG, jadi kualitas makanan sangat terjamin kualitasnya, ikan yg tersedia juga dijamin segar/fresh, karena daerah perancak merupakan daerah nelayan yg mana ikan di daerah ini sangat melimpah dan fresh!
Kami sudah merencanakan untuk segera datang kembali, karena tempat ini sangat menarik yaitu untuk edukasi sekaligus wisata kuliner. Recommended!

31 Oktober 2022 22:51

Excellent center and great work the guys do to help the turtle population. Very relaxed and informative tour given. No pushy sales, just honest hard work going into the site. Such a good feeling to release the turtles into the wild! (Donations are optional but recommend a small something to help out with what they are doing)
We arrived to live music (Saturday afternoon) followed by local university students keen with karaoke so was a good atmosphere to have a fresh coconut in the warung next to he beach. Give it 30mins to 1hr to enjoy the experience.

I Made Agus Permana Putra
13 Oktober 2022 11:01

Tempat ini adalah tempat wisata sekaligus tempat konservasi penyu yang merupakan satwa laut yang dilindungi oleh negara.tidak lupa juga disini ada warung makan dengan menu olahan hasil laut seperti kerang, udang, cumi dan ikan.

10 Oktober 2022 0:48

Its very beautiful place complete with warung ikan bakar that will give u special taste. Come n visit them with your family.

02 Oktober 2022 5:52

Anak2 pasti suka sekali k sini.saat musim tukik kita d ksh kesempatan untuk bs melepas tukik ke laut.d sana ada resto jg menunya menu laut ada bbrp camilan juga.tempatnya enak nyaman.makanan cukup enak jg.harga msh ramah d kantong.

14 September 2022 17:20

The friendly host showed us the hatchery and we were very lucky to witness little turtles that were hatching just in front of us. We adopted the nest (500,000 IDR) and let these turtles go to the ocean. They knew what direction to go without our hints ;)

11 Agustus 2022 22:51

Clean, educational, you can get so many information about local sea turtle. Only hawksbill and olive sea turtle were seen, though. Leatherback sea turtles are rare

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