Kelingking Beach Nusa Penida

Alamat Bunga Mekar, Nusa Penida, Bali
Jam 00:00-24:00
Situs web www.facebook.com/kelingkingbeachcom
Kategori Tourist Attraction
Peringkat 4.7 36 ulasan
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Kelingking Beach Nusa Penida ulasan

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02 Desember 2023 16:12

Pemandangan yang sangat keren.view dari atas memang top.namun butuh tenaga bagus dan semangat kuat untuk turun ke tepi pantai, karena medan yg sangat extreme.dan jangan lupa bawa minum yang cukup dari atas, karena air minum di bawah sangatlah mahal, mengingat medan yg sulit utk membawa dagangan ke bawah.

02 Desember 2023 10:28

If you are planning a trip to Bali, I highly recommend visiting this incredible destination.

Trust me, once you step foot in this location, your sorrows and pains will become a distant memory.

Upon my arrival, a surreal sensation enveloped me, as though I had stepped into a dreamlike state. However, I had to acknowledge the undeniable truth that this was not a figment of my imagination, but rather the stark reality before me.

The thought of leaving this place did not appeal to me, as I was experiencing an indescribable level of comfort and satisfaction here.

If your goal is to see heaven, then you must come here without hesitation.

30 November 2023 17:34

Definitely one of the must-visit places when vacationing in Bali. World-famous thanks to social media, the place is already quite overrun with tourists, but it's still worth a visit for a great photo.

29 November 2023 17:40

It's completely beautiful! It's worth going. Only yes, in short you have to wear tennis shoes because it is too narrow and dangerous to wear flip flops. Preferably bring a chocolate or something sweet, as well as enough water to lift it. Because going down is not so heavy. But the climb is very heavy. But the reality is that it is very worth it.

27 November 2023 4:51

Was speechless when I went here. The most beautiful of creations. The hike down to the beach and back up is very tough. If you are not a seasoned trekker, please please pleaseeeeeee don't make the hike down. It's very tough and it gets tougher when there are drizzles. Also the beach down there has no life guard so be careful. Once down it's one of the best beaches I have ever seen in my life.

04 Oktober 2022 1:13

Most iconic place in Nusa. However our bike got stolen around 6.30 pm and we were totally lost and night.be careful and always put handle lock when you parking

30 September 2022 9:30

It's ok, but way too many tourists.
There are plenty of alternatives that are free of the crowds.

19 September 2022 0:43

If you have the time and have Ok fitness then do the 40min trek down to the beach and have a swim. The locals have a small makeshift bar and snacks. The trek up will take maybe 60min, and rake it out of some. My girlfriend 60 and I 55 did the round trip and it was well worth it.

08 September 2022 7:06

Pantai Kelingking atau Kelingking Beach ini terletak berada di Pulau Nusa Penida, persis di sebelah Timurnya pelabuhan Tanjung Benoa, Bali

Pantai Kelingking, tebing batu hijau dengan birunya lautan, dari atas kita bisa melihat pantai dengan pasir putih yang halus.

Dari tempat parkir, kalian harus berjalan menurun kuranglebih 100Meter lah untuk melihat view tersebut. Ada jalur track lain yang disediakan pengelola jika kalian merasa penasaran dengan pantai pasir putihnya, jika kalian saat sudah turun jalur tracking maka merasakan pasir putih yang super lembut.

Akan tetapi pastikan, kalau kalian tidak takut ketinggian alias Phobia Ketinggian ya, karena jalurnya masih lumayan ala kadarnya, licin, dan sempit, lebar jalurnya hanya sekitar kurang lebih 60-an cm itu pun secara bergantian untuk melalui bagi orang-orang dewasa atau berbadan besar.

Dari view ini kalian bisa melihat hewan manta ray yang berenang-renang ketika sedang mencari makanan

29 Agustus 2022 13:26

We went here as part of a full day tour.
The morning part of the tour consisted of snorkelling at 4 different spots (including manta Bay where the black manta swam under me!) The afternoon part of the tour consisted of lunch and beach views including this, Kelingking beach:)

26 Agustus 2022 14:43

Must visit this place, try to get there earlier as possible if you are willing to go all the way down to the beach because its not easy and it gets more difficult with people. During my visit I was able to swim and it was an amazing experience, i suggest taking some snacks if you are willing to stay for a couple of hours, you can find some there but double the price. Going down was about 40 mins because it was super crowded at 12: 00 pm, going up was only 15 mins by 3: 30 pm

07 Februari 2022 15:25

Kalau kesini coba turun kebawah. Cocok banget buat yg suka tracking/panjat tembing walauoun sampai bawah ya dibilang bagus banget sih gak terlalu, cuma bikin puas jiwa adventure nya sayang dibawah banyak sampah, disediakan tong sampah pun sepertinya tdk rutin dibersihkan karna susah juga mungkin pengelola nya

29 Januari 2022 12:06

Bagus ini klo dilihar dari atas tebing.guidenya baik n komunikatif banget nunjukin spot2 foto yg bagus2.belum pernah turun kebawah krn ikut paket trip jd ngejar waktu spy ga ketinggalan boat pulang ke denpasar

18 Januari 2022 4:11

It was beautiful, and yes, the dino's head was remarkable. But, the spot to enjoy all of that was limited because it was very crowded. And the queue was very long just to take photos. Avoid weekends to have less crowd.

17 Januari 2022 16:44

Tempat ini cukup lebih ramai dibandingkan dengan spot lain nya. Terus juga agak lebih kecil areanya. Kebetulan guide saya bawa ke atas, jadi sepi saya dan teman saya saja. Habis itu saya pulang

15 Januari 2022 19:02

Klingking point'. Benar2 asri.dengan view laut nya yang sangat indah.dan baru baru ini mendapat julukan paling Instagramable dunia.pas banget julukan nya gaes

11 Januari 2022 21:24

Such an amazing place. Not all people dare to reach the beach way below, it takes a lot of effort. But the tiredness will be payed once you are down there.

10 Januari 2022 5:43

Wajib coba datang ke sini, viewnya bagus sekali tetapi butuh perjuangan buat ke sini jalannya kurang bagus

10 Januari 2022 2:29

The trip down and back up was pretty challenging but we made it in one piece. Don't forget a big bottle of water for each person.

08 Januari 2022 7:02

Pantai iconic di Nusa Penida bagian barat. Memang cantik sekali pantainya, tapi kita lihatnya dari atas tebing. Bawannya pengen nyebur. Ada jalan setapak kalau mau ke pantainya, tapi tidak recomended karena jalan turun/naik sangat terjal dan curam. Sangat bahaya. Walaupun ada pegangan kayu di tiap sisi, tapi resiko sekali. Ada banyak bagian yang kemiringannya 90°alias tegak lurus. Harus benar2 dalam keadaan fit. Selamat yang berhasil sampai pantai. Waktu buat turun sekitar 30-45menit, naik minimal 1jam.

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