H Sovereign Bali

Alamat Jl. Raya Tuban, Lingkungan Griya No.2, Tuban
Situs web hsovereignhotels.com
Kategori Hotel
Peringkat 3.8 41 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
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FOX HARRIS Jiimbaran Beach — Jl. Yoga Perkanthi No.3, Jimbaran, South Kuta, Bali
JEstate Bali — Jl. Uluwatu I, Jimbaran, South Kuta, Bali

H Sovereign Bali ulasan

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08 Maret 2023 17:54

I would have rated this hotel 4 stars otherwise but something pretty egregious happened during my stay.

Someone started talking to me in the lobby. They asked many questions about my length of stay, travel plans, personal life and my social media account. I started getting a strange vibe and got out of there. Less than an hour later I got a call to my room from this person asking if I had received their follow request and whether I had mistakenly given them an incorrect social media account. I asked how they knew my room number and they said they are friends with the manager and was able to get my personal information from them. This is a breach of privacy and could be a safety or theft issue.

08 Februari 2023 14:40

We booked one day just cos we had a late flight and it’s close to the airport. However, when we entered the hotel no one helped us with the luggage, the hall near the elevator was completely dirty the carpet should be thrown in the garbage!
In the hall a tiny kind of lizard welcomed us!
The room had a funny smell I don’t know what is it! The carpet was also dirty. The bathroom doesn’t look like the picture it needs to be cleaned with rough cleaning products and it smelled we couldn’t take a shower unfortunately I’m sure they don’t use soap in cleaning the bathroom. The pillow case was unclean with blood stains on it i called and asked for another one and they brought pillow case that had hair on it!
I don’t recommend it at all if you are looking for something clean. I only like the pool view though we didn’t swim.

30 Januari 2023 4:24

Washtafel saya bocor pas pertama ga di keringin lg kamar mandi nya, yg kedua sy minta dikeringkan, tp gak lama semprotan nya bocor, exhaust kamar mandi nya gak nyala, lalu saya minta pindah kamar. Kamar benar2 gak kedap, saya bisa dengar suara orang ngobrol / suara tv dr kamar sebelah. Buat yang bener2 butuh istirahat gak cocok disini terlalu bising.di kamar baru jam 3 malam ac nya bunyi keras sekali sampai harus dimatikan, ternyata disini jg semprotan toilet jg bocor parah dan berbunyi waktu dipakai. Untuk harga 1,2jt-an per malam (+1 extrabed) ini sih bener2 ga sebanding banget. Tempat nya memang strategis dekat bandara, dekat krisna oleh2. Tp untuk pelayanan nya sangat tidak memuaskan.

25 November 2022 3:59

Baru pertama kali kesini informasi dari security sangat membingungkan dan saya diomelin ketika saya salah arah menuju keluar dari basement yang sebelumnya tidak di beritahukan masuk dan keluar hanya lewat 1 arah aja. Alhasil logika saya ketika saya masuk ke basement lewat arah A (IN) otomatis Keluarnya lewat arah B (Out) dong ya. Ini saya malah disamperin ketika baru keluar lewat arah B (Out) jadinya saya malu sama orang orang disekitar dikira"nya ada apa apa. Ya karena itu informasi nya kurang jelas

08 Oktober 2022 12:46

Bawa barang berharga ketika keluar kamar! Hari kedua ada orang coba masuk kamar dan ketika ditanya langsung kabur tidak menjawab apa2

01 Oktober 2022 0:03

Rooms and bathrooms were neat and clean. And what could be better than a comfortable room at a very reasonable price on a sweet holiday. Food was great. Staff were really polite and nice. Service was also good. Overall I enjoyed my stay here

27 September 2022 17:27

Everything we needed and only $36AUD for the night. Wifi, Tv, safe, great air con.

Nice staff at checkin. Fast and efficient but it was super quiet. Rooftop pool is great and overlooks airport so you can watch the planes take off. Room was sufficient with big glass window and large bathroom. Was a little stuffy and a tiny bit of mould but it’s not five star and your in Bali… water was warm and a great spray from two showers heads.
Bed is super comfy and King! My husband was ill so stayed behind while we went to Uluwatu for the afternoon before our late night flight.
Close to airport which is what we wanted. Highly recommend for start or end of your trip.

16 September 2022 4:16

Hotel nya sangat strategis sekali. Dekat dengan bandara. Dekat dengan pusat oleh2. Dan disekitar hotel banyak penjual makanan halal. Oke banget deh ditambah lagi pelayanan hotel yg sangat ramah serta kamar dan fasilitas2 yg bersih nyaman.

25 Juli 2022 23:13

- Hotelnya Nyaman
- Kualitas tetap terjaga walaupun kondisi pandemi seperti sekarang.
- Pelayanan juga OKE BANGET, dari baru parkir sampai check in sudah OKE BANGET.
- Lokasi sangat dekat dengan Airport, untuk cari makanan dan mini market juga gampang di sekitar hotel.
- Poolnya ada di rooftop, landasan pesawat terbang kelihatan dari sana. Mantap.
- Wifi juga kenceng.

Overall Excellent.

09 Februari 2019 1:41

Love the room, and the bathroom, even tho the building is old I guess, but it's well maintaned. Clean room but I found the head bed with some dust. Only that spot so I wonder if they generally don't pay attention to detail or just simply missed it.

27 Januari 2019 21:43

Hotel Bintang Empat yg sangat baik hampir dari semua aspek. Dari awal kedatangan sudah langsung disambut dengan driver hotel (free antar jemput bandara). Dari segi fasilitas hotel juga sangat baik. Ada kolam berenang di lantai 6 yg bersih, tidak perih seperti kolam kebanyakan, dan ada tempat berjemur yg sangat cocok untuk bersantai setelah berenang. Untuk breakfast juga bervariasi makanan tradisional khas Bali dan western serta aneka minuman jus. Pelayanan hotel juga sangat ramah dan responsif. Waktu tempuh dari dan ke bandara selalu kurang dari 10 menit. Ke pusat oleh2 Krisna tinggal jalan kaki karena hanya kurang lebih 100 m. Juga dekat dengan restoran ayam betutu yg terletak tepat di depan pusat oleh2 Krisna. Dari semua sisi hotel ini emang the best. Bener2 sangat layak diapresiasi sebagai the best hotel versi Traveloka.

26 Januari 2019 9:57

We checked in here while waiting for an evening flight. The hotel is quite run down but the rooms are comfortable and a good place to have a rest and shower. The staff are friendly and they offer a free shuttle to the airport. There is a convenience store across the road and a few restaurants on that street serving local food.

25 Januari 2019 0:39

The breakfast was overrated. There was a lot of noise at night making a good nights sleep very difficult. More maintenance required in the room as many items were damaged or leaking and the room was not properly cleaned. Not the best hotel experience we've ever had in Bali.

11 Januari 2019 20:37

Super duper splendid hotel with nice staffs, i booked it for spending my anniversary with my husband, they upgrade our room to premiere room and give us the plate of fruits with honeymoon cake with wonderful decoration for our bed, i'll never forget this hotel for their best services, the best hotel i stayed in Bali ever!

a widiawan
09 Januari 2019 2:58

Salah satu hotel yg dekat bandara dan dekat dgn pusat oleh2 khas bali, saya pesan kamar kelas primere (2062) yg king bed eee malah yg dobel dikasih (dipepetin jd 1 pula, dikira gak tahu apa ya.) overall lumayan lah stay disini

08 Januari 2019 20:35

Decided to go for this hotel as it is located very near to the airport. This is important as traffic in Bali is pretty bad. Check-in was a breeze, counter staff is helpful. However we booked a room for 3, and was promised breakfast for 3 pax. We even double confirm that we had breakfast for 3 pax instead of 2 at the counter during check-in. But when we went for breakfast in the morning, they told us we only have breakfast for 2 pax. The staff manning at the breakfast entrance went to call and check and told us we only had breakfast for 2 pax and not 3. Cost for a breakfast is 115k RP, it isn't a lot and we are willing to pay for it. But this is terrible disappointing and dishonest of promising 3 pax yet providing only 2.

Rooms are okay, everything feels comfortable but some amenities feels old. Safe locker have a technical error when we first use it. The staff rectify the issue very quickly by calling for the engineer. The rooftop bar and pool feels deserted but has a very good view up there. Room service food are okay but you certainly would want to go out and try better food out there in Bali

Overall a good experience and the staff are very friendly, besides the one experience where we feel short-changed.

08 Januari 2019 12:54

Lokasi dekat airport,
Kamar cukup bersih,
Tersedia ruangan untuk meeting,
Transport aman,
Basement parkir kurang luas,
Depan hotel ada tempat jual makanan dan minuman,
Dekat pusat oleh-oleh,
Dekat dengan 5 tempat ibadah

07 Januari 2019 2:51

Strategic place, near airport & kuta and some minimarket, good breakfast, my kids like pancake & waffle so much

06 Januari 2019 11:47

Fasilitas bagus, furniture nya unik", lokasi dekat sama krisna pusat oleh oleh, ke bandara juga deket

04 Januari 2019 14:12

Every thing is oke, but only one thing need to prove, the menu for breakfast not varian everyday, everyday same breakfast

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