GWK Festival Park

Alamat Jl. Kw. Garuda Wisnu Kencana, Ungasan, South Kuta, Bali
Telepon +62 361 700808
Jam 09:00-21:00
Situs web www.gwkbali.com
Kategori Park
Peringkat 4.3 19 ulasan
Cabang terdekat
Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park — Uluwatu St, Ungasan, South Kuta, Bali
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Fields Lagoon Nusa Dua — Jl. Pintas Tanjung Benoa, Benoa, Bali

GWK Festival Park ulasan

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04 November 2023 11:09

Areanya sangat luas.
Banyak spot foto bagus.
Walaupun luas ada kendaraan yang membantu untuk mempermudah keliling.
Harga tiket masuk: Rp 125.000
Kendaraan kelilingnya: 40.000
Ada petugasnya juga yang membantu untuk memfotokan.
Terdapat museum juga.
Toilet ada di beberapa tempat dan bersih

28 Oktober 2023 18:44

Lokasi yg indah untuk dikunjungi pagi saat masih sepi dan sore disaat menjelang matahari terbenam

25 Oktober 2023 23:12

Perjalanan dimulai dari Kuta membutuhkan waktu sekitar 30-40 menit perjalanan. Tergantung kondisi jalan.

Pemesanan tiket bisa via aplikasi ataupun on the spot. Biaya sekitar 125rb per orang. Akan tetapi kemarin saya dapat tiket gratis pada saat makan di Restaurant Jendela Bali. Karena total makan diatas 400rb jadi dapat 2 tiket masuk gratis. Mungkin bisa jadi ini tips untuk dapat tiket gratis, kalian bisa makan dulu di restaurant nya.

Setelah makan kita beranjak masuk ke kawasan GWK. Disana terdapat banyak toko souvenir dan makanan ringan.
Untuk masuk tinggal scan saja tiket nya.
Untuk yg membawa bayi atau anak anak disiapkan tenaga nya. Karena perjalanannya cukup jauh. Namun kalian bisa pakai boogy car untuk ke GWK dengan membayar sekitar 40rb/orang.

Suasana disana berangin dan jika siang lebih baik membawa payung. Karena cuaca nya sangat terik dan panas.
Untuk membawa stroler agak susah, karena banyak jalan bertangga.

Demikian, kesan disini sangat menyenangkan dan lumayan menguras tenaga. Salah satu icon di Bali yg wajib dikunjungi

Salam, semoga bermanfaat

27 September 2023 6:31

Impressive statues and interesting stories about them. There is a spring here from which holy water comes. Upon request, you can have the water blessed by the "holy man", who has been guarding the spring since the 90s, and make a wish. Regular entrance ticket is enough - the paths are easy to walk on and the view from the statue above is only unspectacular through a hole. Toilets are free in the park and there are places to eat and drink everywhere.

26 September 2023 1:05

Great place to visit (and perhaps a must visit at least once) when visiting Bali, with a grand and majestic statue as the main attraction, and the project itself during my visit is still on development in some areas. You may find the statue is a pretty much just 'a statue' until you step onto its doorsteps to realize its sheer size of the whole thing (or probably this is just my hyperbolic statement because it's probably the only gigantic statue in the country). The statue's lobby has some basic history about the project as a whole, from its proposal in ~90s.

The kinda hard part is the road toward this location, because Bali's road isn't really wide and the road leading to this park is a pretty standard road that makes traffic jam becoming something you need to expect when coming to this place, even in workdays or non-peak holidays season.

For more definitive experience, you can try visiting the interior of the statue (seriously, do it at least once if you have the chance) where it stores some museums. It is available every ~30-40 mins, takes ~30-45 mins, with 10-person group max for each iteration. Sadly I didn't had the chance to do it, but will going to try to visit this again if the chance arise.

21 September 2023 17:22

Finally satisfied our curiosity about the giant statue we can see from the airport. The park is good for sightseeing, and took us only about 30 mins to see everything. There are activities as well but we did not participate. Accesible. But watch out for people trying to “sell” hotel packages on your way out. Obvious tourist traps. Was a bit hard to get a car out of the venue.

19 September 2023 9:06

We visited this sprawling park on a weekday, and it took about an hour to wait in line for tickets, so if you can buy them online before arriving that is a better option.
Also, even though we arrived by taxi, we had to be dropped off at a parking area then ride a shuttle to the ticket office.
The park is huge with gardens and statues everywhere, with some signs explaining their history or significance.
It takes about 25 minutes to walk all the way back the huge statue of Wisnu (the 4th largest statue in the world) m, but shuttle rides are available for an additional fee.
We did not go up in the elevator to the top of the statue to see the views, or eat in the onsite restaurant.
There are many shops around the park, a food court, an amphitheater with free shows. The free “art museum” features local artists work, and a photography studio that allows you to dress in Balinese costumes for photos of yourself and your family in different settings.

16 September 2023 8:05

The worst place I've been since I arrived in Indonesia. Much too touristy. Nothing to do in this place except admire things that aren't authentic, and above all pay for everything, even getting around in a cadi. A real waste of time, I strongly advise against setting foot there.

10 September 2023 16:25

Bagus bgt.tp agak panas.maklumlah temptnya di bukit karang tp jgn kuatir disini ada di sediakan sutle boggy yg bisa mengantar keliling area sampai di patung GWK.

07 September 2023 7:48

Great park with Indonesia's tallest stature. Admission min. 125,000 rupiah. Everything within walking distance.

05 September 2023 17:44

They gave us the tickets and charged us 330000 idr for 2 without informing that the place was closed. And we went in the buggy inside and they told it was closed and we came back. And 330000 idr was totally waste.

30 Agustus 2023 7:47

GWK Festival park, GWK Park, Garuna Vishnu etc, seems too many names around the place right? I think these name should be streamlined and made one.

Well for a start it is a Big Festival park which has the world's 3 largest statue of Lord Vishnu (Hindu God). It is bigger than the statue of liberty.

A must visit place. You can see this statue from Kuta/Seminyak beach as well, it's far away but still looks big.

20 Agustus 2023 9:44

GWK Festival Park is worth visiting. You will be amazed with their spectacular statues and you can't get enough taking photos and learning their history, culture and traditions. You have to spend long hours to enjoy the park.

20 Agustus 2023 3:23

The best part of exhibition - dance! It’s not a dance! It’s traditional fairytale with plenty of professional actors and amazing costumes!

18 Agustus 2023 13:03

Huge! The biggest bronze statue in Indonesia! It is about 121 meters high and weighs about 4,000 tons!

It is said to be the third tallest bronze statue in the world after the Great Buddha of Lushan in China and the Great Buddha of Lei Chunsetja in Myanmar.

So it's spectacular!
You can go by buggy or on foot, but it costs a little money, but it is definitely better to go by buggy! A long walk to the statue! If it's a buggy, you can get off at the bronze statue, and you can get down at the rocks very easily!

17 Agustus 2023 0:28

Park where the largest statue in Bali is located, seen from various points of the island. It's not magnificent, but you don't miss anything visiting it besides the entrance being a little expensive.

15 Agustus 2023 14:36

GWK termasuk luas banget, cuma masih banyak kosongnya, atau mungkin karena pandemi, entah. Kalau jalan lumayan capek, krn di jalan aja nggak banyak hiburan. Lumayan ada yang bisa dilihat sore sore ada tarian Bali dan pertunjukan kecak juga. Jadi ke sana nggak cuma foto sama patung GWK aja.

Н Lore
08 Agustus 2023 21:23

Great well maintained park! Huge territory, beautiful views for admiring and photo! Recommended for a half day visit. Be sure to visit the amphitheater for a free show!

04 Agustus 2023 14:02

Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park
Is it worth visit: YES

This place surrounded a lot of beautiful statues and views.
Rich of historical information. Areanya luas dan better to walk to reach the main statue of GWK.

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