Gunung Payung Beach

Alamat Pantai Gunung Payung, Kutuh, Kec. Kuta Sel., Bali
Telepon +62 811-3834-388
Jam 07:00-18:00
Situs web instagram.com/gunungpayungbeachbali
Kategori Tourist Attraction
Peringkat 4.8 38 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
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Gunung Payung Beach ulasan

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15 Desember 2023 14:34

Murah dan bagus untuk berselancar dan foto2, disajikan mobil ke bawah jadi ga cape kalau jalan, cuma bayar 15 ribu saja dan dapat juga air

Utk jalan ke goa yg bagus itu, jalan ke kiri sekitar 5-7 menit

05 Desember 2023 19:42

I wish I could give this place 1000 stars.

Gunung Payung Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches on the planet ️ Amazing in every way. You would forget you were in earth still. A beautiful golden sands and turquoise water with so many shades of blue. It is truly a tropical paradise. You will definitely enjoy the scenery!

My friend and I always went in the morning to walk on the beach here as it does get crowded. There was abudant parking, but it can be inadequate during a busy season. Outdoor showers, food and beverage availability, restrooms make this is a great choice. Easy to get tickets even in busy summer with the entrance fee 10k for 2pax.

I would recommend this beautiful beach to you. Well worth visiting?

30 November 2023 15:01

You have two options for getting to the beach.
You take the small bus (for a fee), which is a nice experience, or you walk down the many stairs, which is also a nice experience although you will break a sweat.
It's very scenic walking through the tunnel in the cliffs.
At the beach is a warung woth an okay selection of food for reasonable prices and with amazing views.
On the beach itself you can rent a kayak or swim in the clean water.
Tends to get quit crowded during the sunset hour, but it's definitely worth the visit even though you both pay for entrance and parking.
Don't forget to support the warungs around the parking lot after your trip.
Highly recommended.

02 Juli 2023 3:49

Pantai yang sangat indah, bisa melihat samudra dari atas bukit, turun ke pantai bisa lewat tangga

12 Juni 2023 15:23

Tiket masuk 10k udah 1 speda motor (2 dewasa 2 anak)
Untuk pergi ke pantainya masih ke bawah bukit
Saran Lebih baik menggunakan shuttle,
Kemaren wktu ksana d kenakan tiket 15k /orang uda PP
Kalau mau pulang tinggal tlp drivernya
Nomernya uda tertera di deket resto yg di bawah.
Kalau siang ombaknya besar
Kata penjaga resto yg d bawah
Kalau ingin naik kano lebih baik datang sore ombaknya udah agak tenang

Ada Toilet buat bilas 5k /orng


11 Juni 2023 22:08

Pantai yang indah dan bersih. Sekarang udah ada shuttle bus untuk turun ke bawah jadi ga capek lagi

11 Juni 2023 22:03

MasyaAllah bagus banget pantainya, bersih aku kemarin tiketnya 25k/orang weekend. Ntar tiket nya dituker aja di pos habis itu kalian ntar udah dapat minum hidrococo, pulang pergi diantar naik kendaraan jadi nggak perlu capek capek. Dibawah ada fasilitas kamar mandi bersih si menurut ku dri pada kamar mandi di pantai" Lain, ada cafe juga jadi nggak kuatir kalo kehausan atau lapar, ada sewa matras juga sama kano, spot foto nya juga nggak cuma pantai ada pura buat sembahyang umat hindu, aku kemarin izin dulu supaya bisa foto di pura tapi tetep ada batasan ya teman teman kalo cewek hadast nggak boleh masuk, dan ndak masuk melebihi gapura bagian dalam buat sembahyang. Trus ada spot foto masuk gua ntar keluar di altar tari kecak, katanya biasa buat event" Gtu hehe

07 Juni 2023 5:44

Viewnya JuARAA! Baguuusss bangeettttttt.
Jalan ke bawahnya aman.cmn pas naik butuh ekstra tenagaaaaa.
Saran aja yg ga biasa hiking, bisa memilih alternatif naik shuttle untuk turun ke bawahnya ️.

30 Mei 2023 17:09

Most beautiful beach I’ve ever visited in my life. When I went there, it’s not crowded, I think It’s because still in pandemic, so I can have the beach all by myself. However, it’s kinda hard to get to the beach since we need to walk to get there.

25 Mei 2023 20:41

Pantainya cantik, bagus buat foto.tiket 4rb/orang parkir motor 2rb, untuk menuju pantai dari lokasi parkir bisa jalan kaki melewati tangga atau bisa naik shuttle 15rb/orang

09 Mei 2023 16:11

Very new and nice beaches just one restaurant and Seattle bus to take you down the beach so nice

20 April 2023 21:37

Great beach, you have to pay for the shuttle or walk a fair distance. Worth stopping by.
I didn't get hassled once.

04 April 2023 9:56

Underrated beach in Bali. Located near by jimbaran and nusa dua. It was quiet and not so touristy place, u can relax and canoeing.

28 Maret 2023 21:39

Viewnya bagus bgtttt, kalau masuk motor bayar 2k, 1 orang bayar 4k, dan ada shuttle untuk turun harganya 15k/orang udah termasuk pp dan 1 botol kecil air minum

03 Maret 2023 2:35

Worth it to visit? Beruntung dateng jam 12 an ke pantai ini pas lagi cuacanya bagus dan sedikit orang yang berkunjung. Jalan ke pantainya harus menuruni tangga tetapi kalau yg ga kuat jalan bisa sewa mobil caddy. Dan setelah melepas penat di pantai, bisa istirahat di stand warung yang ada mereka menjual seperti; es kelapa muda, nasi goreng, mie goreng, tipat, rujak dll #Picture: No Effect

26 Februari 2023 17:00

Outstandingly pretty beach, we even can play canoe here.but a little bit too crowded with people.i wonder will it still be this crowded if we go in weekdays.but over all very beautiful

24 Januari 2023 22:43

Please do not bother this beach with too many beach club, it's bored as hell.let it natural as it was.

07 Januari 2023 19:58

If you are looking for a beach in Bali that is not so crowded, try this beach. The beach is small, but the scenery is quite beautiful. To get to the beach you have to walk down or rent a vehicle specially provided for that, round trip.

29 Desember 2022 19:30

Lovely quiet clean beach. Few warungs at the car park. New golf course opened nearby. Canoe hire 50k hr. 260 steps down to the beach or ride the golf cart for 15k.

18 September 2022 14:00

Serasa pantai pribadi.saran datang di sore hari yah.adem sama ombaknya gak besar.kalau ke bali harus ke sini.

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