Alamat Abangsongan, Kintamani, Bali
Jam 00:00-24:00
Situs web www.adpadabalitour.com
Kategori Hiking Area, Tourist Attraction
Peringkat 4.7 34 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Mt. Batur Sunrise Hike & Tour Jeep — Batur Tengah, Kec. Kintamani, Bali
Batur Jeep Activity — Jl. Trunyan, Terunyan, Bali


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22 Oktober 2023 5:17

The trail was pretty steep and almost a scramble at some points. Took about 2 hours from parking area (Clairière ensoleillée) to top and about 1 hour back down. The mountain was on fire so meant there was no nice view at the top due to smoke however it is probably pretty on a clear day.

10 Oktober 2023 21:38

Well, very beautiful, non touristic trail. Totally worth it. But seems kinda abandoned. No safety at all, there's a lot of problematic places, where the dirt is sliding and you can easily fall for 4-5 meters down the hill. No helping ropes, old stairs or no stairs at all in the difficult places. You should be really careful! And for sure better start the trail before 11, because whole road is about 7 hours and you should really skip dangerous places on a way back before sun goes down

07 Oktober 2023 19:59


We tried walking by ourselves and got stopped by a lot of locals. They tried to extort us a lot of money (400K a person if someone of them went with us, 155K a person if we wanted to do it ourselves).

They ride around and try to intercept everyone, while keeping an eye on the scooters. They even asked us where we parked, just so they could break our scooter. We went away before we had too much trouble, but were still followed by one of them for 5 KM on our scooter. Please watch out, don’t support this scam and inform police if this also happens to you.

14 Agustus 2023 16:30

Mount Abang is a volcano located in Bali, Indonesia. It is part of the Batur caldera complex, which also includes the famous Mount Batur. Mount Abang is the highest peak in this complex, standing at an elevation of approximately 2,152 meters (7,060 feet) above sea level. The trek to the summit of Mount Abang is a popular activity for adventurous travelers and nature enthusiasts visiting Bali. Reaching the summit of Mount Abang rewards trekkers with breathtaking views and a sense of accomplishment. On clear days, you can witness stunning sunrise or sunset vistas over Lake Batur and the neighboring volcanic peaks.

05 Agustus 2023 3:00

Gunung abang adalah destinasi wisata yang banyak dikunjungi khususnya para pendaki, pemandangan yang sangat bagus memanjakan mata setiap wisatawan

29 Juni 2023 14:02

Pertama kali mendaki ke sini, rasanya pingin balik lagi kesini walaupun hujan hujanan tapi sesuai dengan apa yg bisa kita dapat dipuncaknya

13 Juni 2023 6:10

Guys buat kalian yg hoby mendaki ato sekedar ingin healing, salah 1 gunung yg recomended. Pemandangan bagus. Gak sia2 mendaki sampai puncak dengan hasil panorama yg luar biasa

15 Februari 2023 18:02

I climbed Abang in January 2023. My first time was in 2019. Since then it appears that the track has become much worse. Very big ruts from the rain that has washed away parts of the trail.

Back in 2019 it took me 1 hour 10 minutes to the summit. This time was 1 hour 30 minutes due to the degradation of the trail. Coming down is very slippery so be sure to have good shoes or poles to stop you sliding.

The view from the top at sunrise is incredible and if you go a little down the other ridge you can see the sunrise over Agung and across to Rinjani.

Some of the Indonesian hikers I talked to took 3 hours from the trail head so if you aren't sure footed and due to the slippery and steep nature of the trail allow plenty of time. Great spot to hike with great views.

22 Januari 2023 13:54

Bagus sekali. Udaranya sejuk dan segar. Berada di ketinggian. Sangat dingin. Cocok untuk lokasi kegiatan outdoor seperti kemah atau pun kegiatan lainnya. Masih banyak terdapat hutan alami yang harus dijaga keberadaannya.

05 Januari 2023 9:12

Mendaki gunung abang bisa melalui dua jalur salah satunya melalui jalur bukit trunya. Jalur menuju sana lumayan ekstrem tapi dijamin mata kalian dimanjakan dengan pemandangan yang luar biasa pokoknya mantap kali. Bagi yang agama Hindu inget bawa canang karena di gunung ada beberapa pelinggih. Jika ingin kemah disana bisa tapi inget jaga kebersihan dan kesucian tempat sucinya disana

26 September 2022 19:20

Cocok bagi suka dengan wisata mendaki gunung. Gunung ini merupakan gunung hutan hujan tropis dengan banyak pepophonan yang menghijau hingga di puncaknya. Gunung abang merupakan gunung tertinggi ketiga di Bali. Dari atas gunung kita bisa melihat matahari terbit dan pesona gunung rinjani.

03 September 2022 15:42

Lucky day finally i can see good view and sunny day.
Hanya butuh waktu minimal 2 jam dan maksimal 2,5 jam untuk summit. Medan lumayan nanjak.

29 Agustus 2022 18:48

Bukit yang berketinggian kurang lebih 2189mdpl dengan pemandangan yang luar biasa bagus, dengan durasi 2/3 jam dari starting poin,

om ken
22 Mei 2022 23:47

Gunung Abang, like most Indonesian volcanoes is best visited in the morning. Most go for sunrise at the summit. This one takes about 2 hours from the roadhead to the summit so you can actually just start at dawn and still likely be at the summit before the clouds start to build between 9 and 10am with the possibility of obscuring the views.
The trail is well signposted from the carpark and is easy to follow all the way to the summit. This mountain seems frequented mostly by Indonesian students and is so much less of a circus than the Batur experience!

The first half of the route is not too steep and is a fairly easy walk up through the forest. You pretty much follow a ridge up so views towards Batur and the lake and occasionally towards Agung through the trees keep the reward flowing to encourage you onwards and upwards!

There is a bamboo bench and some small pura-pura at a nice clearing on the ridge at the end of the first half of the trek. This is arguably the best view of Batur because here it still stands out prominently above the skyline of the wider caldera crater behind that encompasses Gunung Batur and the lake.

The second half of the trek is much steeper.and care should be taken in the wet as its slippery, all the more tricky on the descent too, trekking poles would be helpful if you have them but not essential. There are a couple of rest spots on the ridge where you may well want to take a breather and again enjoy the fabulous vista around.

The summit still has trees around but they are thin enough to give clear views down over Batur, the lake and the wider crater. Rinjani on Lombok is a lovely sight framed partly by the fir trees. The steepness of the other flanks of Abang is a striking sight from the summit area. Agung is mostly hidden behind the trees but this isn't a problem with plenty of wonderful scenery to see.

Our trip was in February, rainy seaon for sure, the path was a little slippery but ok and we had sunshine throughout our 4.5 hour round trip, 2 hours up, an hour soaking up the summit view and and hour n a half down. The forest gave good shade so we didn't get burned by the sun but as always, at altitude in the tropics, do wear sunscreen at least.

Having climbed Agung, Batukaru and Batur on Bali I have to say that this one ranks as my fave little climb as you get much reward of views without the up to 12 hour round trip that Agung can be from Besakith.

20 April 2022 15:01

Gunung yang indah, jalur pendakian yg lumayan menguras tenaga. Jalur yang jelas, sudah ada jalan setapak. Jalur juga sangat teduh, karena sepanjang jalur pendakian terdapat pohon dan hutan yg lebat (dari kaki gunung sampai puncak) setiap pos ditandai dengan pura atau Pelinggih. Setiap pos juga memiliki pemandangan yg indah.

31 Oktober 2021 20:20

It's a cool place with a nice view. I love the forest with all its natural trees and lots of moss stuck to it. It’s good for camping too and the place is quite clean because of the high awareness of cleanliness to protect the environment. To enter there is a guard post and we must pay an entrance fee, the amount of which is up to us. The road can be accessed by motorbike or car and the parking lot is quite spacious

16 September 2021 8:08

Meski hanya memiliki ketinggian 2152 MDPL, Jalur pendakian Gn. Abang terbilang sulit dan terjal. Sangat tidak disarankan jika pada musim hujan jika anda berencana naik gn. Abang karena kondisi jalur yg terjal dan sangat menguras tenaga.

04 September 2021 0:16

Bagus banget pemandangan dari Puncak Gunung Abang, bisa melihat Gunung Batur, Danau Batur, dan Gunung Agung. Sunset dan sunrise disini juga bagusss bangett?

29 Januari 2019 17:23

Gunung yang sangat alami dengan alamnya, jalur pendakian yang memanjakan mata dengan pepohonan yang rimbun, mantap pokoknya

22 Januari 2019 7:16

Beautiful hike through the jungle. The summit views are fantastic, though sometimes obscured by clouds (which also looks really cool!).
The hike itself is intermediate level. It starts off quite easy, then gets steep and slippery as your progress. Quite easy trail to follow - there are lots of offshoots, but they are all just there to go around steep sections etc and rejoin with the main trail. 2-4 hour hike depending on ability.

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