Grand Lucky - Kuta

Alamat Jl. Sunset Road No.29, Kuta, Bali
Telepon +62 361 762308
Jam 08:00-22:00
Kategori Supermarket
Peringkat 4.3 36 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Bintang Supermarket — Jl. Raya Seminyak No.17, Seminyak, Kuta Utara, Bali
Coco Supermarket Seminyak — Jl. Laksamana No. 65-67, Kuta Selatan, Kerobokan Kelod, Kec. Kuta Utara, Bali
Papaya Fresh Gallery - Kuta — Jalan Merta Nadi No.Banjar, Abian Base, Kec. Kuta, Bali

Grand Lucky - Kuta ulasan

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10 Januari 2024 1:13

Tempat berbelanja fresh food and fruit. Ada frozen food dan kebutuhan rumah tangga juga tersedia disini. Buah2an dan sayurannya terkenal segar. Ada penggiling kopi bagi yang butuh kopi biji dan digiling langsung di tempat

28 Desember 2023 11:33

A very complete supermarket. Not sure why they don’t invest in scales by the cashier as opposed to one dedicated area to weigh fruits and vegetables in a very tight space. It’s always stressful only in this area. The rest is efficient.

29 Februari 2020 21:41

Located inside Grand Lucky. Simple and cozy. Nice layout. Breakfast menu (I tried the chicken porridge) was cheap with big portion, tasted okay. You can have pizza, burger, also small bites. There are also free refill/flow of milo, blackcurrant etc (based on the menu I read).

29 Januari 2019 0:39

Lengkap sekali perlengkapanya dan tempatnya strategis dipinggir jalan.tp gak ada foodcourtnya seperti dijakarta.

26 Januari 2019 23:41

While just a bit pricey, this supermarket has quite a delightful variety of items, including an alcohol selection, fresh fish and meats, and I even found the same canned raviolis I love that are from America, which was a first that I found here in Bali. While I prefer traditional markets in Denpasar, this is a five star grocery store.

26 Januari 2019 11:03

Be aware that they don't accept refunds. By mistake we got a pack of almonds at 133, I tried to return just a few minutes later and they said it's not possible. Too expensive, I am not going back there again.

19 Januari 2019 14:43

Lumayan lengkap, untuk belanja buah-buahan jadi lebih cepat. Tapi buah fresh hanya ada di hari tertentu

16 Januari 2019 21:54

Lebih mudah mendapatkan barang"/ bahan makanan yang biasanya susah di dapatkan.
Lengkap dan tempatnya besar.

16 Januari 2019 13:08

Best supermarket from Bali because they sell products you can't find anywhere. The supermarket is very big and clean. I Love it!

12 Januari 2019 10:21

Pas nyari daging sapi yg bagus, tempatnya ya dsni. Ikannya jg keliatan seger cm blm banyak jenisnya

05 Januari 2019 10:43

Nice & cozy place for shopping, the prices some is cheap some is expensive, the bread little bit expensive compare to others.

29 Desember 2018 3:20

Barang nya bagus, staff nya ramah.tetapi kejadian kemarin 11 desember 2018 pukul 12.10 WITA.saya di marah sama salah seorang security bernama Rahayu karena saya minta tolong di bukain pintu belakang, padahal sebelum nya saya sudah di pesan oleh kepala security nya tidak apa minta tolong di bukain saja pintu belakang nya karena saya memang sehari2 ada di Belakang Grand Lucky.security Bu Rahayu sangat tidak ramah padahal saya sudah jelaskan baik2, bahkan dia marah2 ke saya depan suplier2 yang antar barang dan karyawan lain nya.kecewa dan malas mau ke sana lagi.karena saya ke sana kan tujuan belanja bukan menggunakan lahan parkir untuk kebutuhan pribadi

16 Desember 2018 8:23

This place is great in getting things that you can't find in other shopping centers. They import goods from other countries, therefore its a bit pricely. Good customer service and very clean atmosphere. I highly recommend this place for expats that miss certain foods or snacks!:)

11 Desember 2018 5:22

Do you need western food? This is the place. A shopping place that is equipped with needs for tourists (the special is there). But that does not mean that prices here are expensive, all prices of goods still make sense. Do not worry.

10 Desember 2018 4:17

Supermarket lengkap. Cookies, susu, muesli, daging segar dan banyak lagi tersedia disini.
Disana juga ada outlet bakery, wine shop, dan grill chicken. Mungkin jika mau membeli makanan on the go, saya rasa pas sekali.
Ingat untuk mrmbawa kantong belanja sendiri agar lebih ramah lingkungan dan karena plastiknya lumayan tipis dan cepat jebol.

03 Desember 2018 10:36

Very good supermarket. Easy parking.
Good selection. Not too busy that you queue for long.

20 November 2018 7:06

Lumayan tempatnya. Lengkap. Banyak produk impor. Staf juga ramah, parkir mobil sih ga terlalu banyak

08 November 2018 12:11

Super market yang sangat baik untuk berbelanja fresh sayur2an, buah2an Dan segala macam daging! Komplit Dan harga boleh di bilang murah! Saya Baru tahu bahwa supermarket ini the best ternyata!
Silahkan di buktikan

29 Oktober 2018 17:03

Great western shopping Centre, lots of imported food available, great choice of cheeses, even turkey bacon!

18 Oktober 2018 23:42

Almost full range options to purchase groceries, vegetables and fruits. Korean, Japanese and Chinese ingredients are available here, most of them are top brands. Sufficient parking area and flexible payment options such as cash abd carry, debit and credit card.

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