Goa Rang Reng Waterfall

Alamat Jl. Goa Jl. Rang Reng, Bakbakan, Gianyar, Bali
Kategori Tourist Attraction
Peringkat 4.7 34 ulasan
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Goa Rang Reng Waterfall ulasan

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07 Desember 2023 2:07

Seru banget, banyak spot yang bisa ditelusurin, bisa duduk di air terjunnya juga! Tiker masuk 20 ribu seorang

06 Desember 2023 2:17

Unfortunately you couldn't really swim there because the current was too strong! Basically very nice but also a bit dirty. If you want to go into the water I wouldn't recommend it.

04 Desember 2023 23:59

There are several waterfalls to be seen here. You pay the entrance fee to access all of them, but to reach the furthest one (and allegedly the most beautiful one) they insist you take a guide and it requires a 20 minute walk/swim. The first waterfall is quite nice, although there is some littering around the area.

14 November 2023 16:52

Goa Rang Reng Waterfall is undoubtedly a hidden gem for nature lovers. With a manageable entry fee of just IDR 20,000, this place offers stunning scenery and an experience far removed from overcrowded tourist crowds.
The waterfall itself is not only extremely beautiful, but is also frequented by comparatively few visitors, which makes the natural experience all the more intense. The short, 15-minute walk through the small gorge from the parking lot to the waterfall is pleasant and gives a taste of the natural beauty that awaits you.
The opportunity to refresh yourself at the foot of the waterfall makes the Goa Rang Reng particularly attractive. The bathing opportunities make this place not only a place to look at but also to experience.
All in all, Goa Rang Reng Waterfall is a must-visit place, especially if you want to enjoy the beauty of nature in peace and seclusion. An absolute must for travelers who long for an authentic and undisturbed nature experience!

11 November 2023 16:28

The waterfall is awesome! The guides are nice, tell a lot about the history and take great photos. Taking a tour with a guide is really recommended.
Unfortunately, we did not accept tips at our own discretion. At the end it was made pretty clear how much was expected. We thought that was a shame - unfortunately it ruined the experience a bit.

11 November 2023 2:56

Very beautiful waterfall! There is a place to swim over the waterfall, but you need to be careful, especially with children, they can be carried away to the waterfall!

22 April 2023 18:52

Not my favourite in the area, but we only saw the first part (no guide for the full part).
Its beauteful, but you need a guide to swim. Probably good with the guide!

06 April 2023 22:12

Very nice waterfall that is not overcrowded. For a 20k ticket, you can go to see the waterfall and a little temple that’s on the other side of the river. If you are interested in jumping from the cliff or taking a photo on the swing, you’ll probably need to tip the local guid that takes you there.

25 Maret 2023 7:41

Best waterfall I've visited so far in Bali. Mostly because there was almost no onre there the whole time.

24 Februari 2023 9:55

Absolutely wonderful but sssshhhhh so the instagrammers don’t find and ruin it. Go soon, the waterfall and canyon one of my best experiences in Bali

16 Februari 2023 4:18

By far the best waterfall in the area. Not even for the views but the guides. So friendly and knowledgeable about the area. Be sure to speak with them and enjoy the best waterfall in Ubud!

06 Januari 2023 3:14

The waterfall itself is very basic nothing much with basically no ability to swim, however they have a short hike tour on the river where you can get to the swing and see more nature, we haven't tried it due to limited time but seems really interesting and worth it.

Also fun for a group chill as it's more shadowy than other waterfalls

07 September 2022 16:45

Salah satu air terjun yang santai untuk di nikmati di Bali. Tidak terlalu jauh dari Canggu. Tiket masuk 20k. Parkir gratis, aksen gampang, orang orang ramah, kamar mandi cukup baik dan bersih. Bawa snack dan minum mu ke bawah, ada satu warung local yang sangat murah di parkiran.

Ada guide lokal yang akan membantu di air terjun pertama, mereka akan menawarkan sesi menyusuri sungai, sangat menarik. Kalian bisa bayar se iklas nya, kami membayar 120k untuk 3 orang, menyusuri sungai pulang pergi 1,5 jam.
Ada beberapa air terjun di sepanjang sungai.

Jangan datang ketika musim hujan, itu berita buruk. Air bisa mencapai 3 meter. Enjoy

10 Maret 2022 9:17

Pesona air terjun yang menawan dengan segala marabahaya nya, hati hati aja disini jangan banyak tingkah. Warga lokal sangat ramah makin bikin betah disini

26 Februari 2022 0:31

Tempat nya sangat bagus dan menarik pokok nya tempat yang bikin saya tidak bisa melupakan pengalaman nya

21 Februari 2022 14:06

Akses masuk nya yang termasuk mudah di banding air terjun lainnya, Akses dan lingkungannya sudah di tata dan di hias rapi oleh warga lokal namun tetap mempertahankan suasana yang sangat alami, dan air terjunnya pun selain merupakan air terjun yang nyaman di pakai berendam, juga memiliki spot foto yang sangat banyak, namun tetap berhati-hati karena alirannya cukup deras, tiket masuknya hanya Rp. 10.000, juga terdapat pemandu yang sangat ramah dengan biaya tambahan "donasi seikhlasnya"

31 Januari 2022 0:11

Wahhhhh tempat nya indah sekaliii, untuk pertama kalinya saya pergi ke goa rangreng tempatnya bersih airnya segar dan penjaga nya ramah ramahh sekaliiii <3? Sehat selalu untuk penjaga. Dan buat yg pergi kesana dimohonkan menjaga kebersihin

22 Januari 2022 10:57

Tempat nya bagus banget, tadi dibantu bli" disana buat naik sampe ke atas air terjun nya sumpah bagus banget gak nyesel main kesini kalian juga harus kesini

14 Januari 2022 3:05

Pemandangan alamnya sangat indah dan cocok untuk bersantai bersama keluarga tercinta
The best pokoknya

01 Januari 2022 2:17

Wonderfull waterfall, not many stairs to be passed. Good to recharge your energy of routine activity

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