Domba Coffee Factory

Alamat Jl. Mertanadi II Br. Abianbase No.77, Kuta, Bali
Telepon +62 851-0042-1164
Jam 09:00-17:00
Situs web domba.coffee
Kategori Coffee Roasters, Coffee Machine Supplier, Coffee Shop, Coffee Store, Exporter
Peringkat 4.3 26 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
AGENDA Coffee BALI — Jl. Glogor Carik No.27, Pemogan, Denpasar Selatan, Bali
Qahwah ID Coffee Roaster — Jl. Kertapura, Gg. Segina 2B, Perumahan Pak Agung Gg. Baru No.2, Denpasar Barat, Bali
Pt. Putra Bhineka Perkasa — Jl. Pulau Moyo No.5, Pedungan, Denpasar Selatan, Bali
Coli Coffee and Liqueur — Jln Legian No.484, Legian Kaja, Kuta, Bali

Domba Coffee Factory ulasan

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10 November 2023 21:58

Karna kebetulan punya usaha kopi juga jadi disini sy banyak belajar dari pengusaha kopi domba, bisa sharing pengalaman dll

05 November 2023 12:22

I come again to this roastery (Nov 2023).

Too bad they are close for public due this pandemic.
But Thank God, I made a reservation to buy some freshly roasted coffee bean. Bit pricey but really worth it. You got what you pay.
They still produce their product for cafes and coffee shop.
Make sure to call them before you visit.

08 Oktober 2023 23:09

Tempat pabrik kopi di Bali yang luas dan lengkap dengan kualitas terbaik. Produksi kopi dengan banyak pilihan dari seluruh nusantara.

28 Agustus 2023 16:56

Langsung melihat sejarah dan proses pembuatan kopi mulai dari proses sortis sampai penyajian. Brand kopi pilihan yqng ada di Bqli

10 Agustus 2023 17:08

Kopi nya sangat enaak, dan owner sangat baik serta menjadi berkat bagi orang lain.
Tuhan Yesus memberkati, Amen.

10 Agustus 2023 10:22

Staffs there can speak in fluent Chinese. They also have detailed introduction about civet coffee and different coffee beans. (For god sake, they don’t do civet coffee now) The smell of roasting is so good! However, I do hand-brewed coffee at home for years; I just tried to express how my folks choose coffee nowadays, hoping they could make more various favor of coffee, yet a middle-aged woman popped up and exclaimed it’s all because we use the worse coffee beans for brewing………. How rude…
I just wanted to express, my people knew the life is bitter enough so we pursue the non-bitter coffee more and more. (and you may try to make the same, that’s all…) though the woman sounded like she was threatened?
I gotta say, the coffee here is ssoooo bitter.much bitterer than the cup we got from 7-11

12 Juni 2023 18:18

Tempat nya bagus, bersih dan menyajikan kopi dengan rasa yg wow.sangat nikmat rasa kopi yg disajikan +serta memberikan edukasi perkopian dengan luas dan terbuka. Sukses terus Kopi Domba semoga dapat membantu para petani kopi dan membuka tempat kerja baru lagi.

27 Oktober 2022 9:28

Huge and clean roastery. These are the words that came out from my mind.

Love their Volcano Coffee. Bought some packs for my best friends.

09 Juli 2022 11:42

Dapat ilmu kopi kilat, bisa cobain kopinya langsung sekalian liat proses roastingnya. Baru tau ada kopi jantan betina.
Teh nya juga macem macem. Sayang belum bisa liat semua bagian.
Sebagian masih tutup.

07 Juli 2022 8:46

Salah satu roastery terbesar di Bali, belum banyak yang tau tempat ini.
Terletak di jalan yang sepi.
Saya dan keluarga pas lewat, dan mampir. Ternyata bisa dapat edukasi singkat tentang kopi dan bisa coba kopi nya gratis. Enaak. Saya suka, padahal bukan peminum kopi.
Sempat beli beberapa bungkus untuk oleh oleh.
Katanya juga tersedia di Tokopedia.

27 Juni 2022 20:27

Disambut ramah sama staff di sini.
Dapet free tester kopi di sini. Dikasih coba kopi peaberry pakai metode drip.
Enaak. Saya suka, karena tidak asam.
Juga ditawarin kopi arabica yang sedikit asam, pakai mesin kopinya.
Beli beberapa bungkus untuk di rumah sama buat temen.
Saya perlu yang kopi bubuk, langsung digiling di tempat. Amboyy harumnyaa.

FIY, ternyata itu pemiliknya.:)

03 Mei 2022 15:09

Iseng ke sini, karena dari kamar saya tercium aroma khas kopi.
Lokasinya di sebrang tempat saya menginap (Frangipani).
Tempatnya besaar. Dulunya ada coffee shop dan toko, namun katanya tutup sementara sejak pandemi.
Saya ditawarin minum kopi ala manual brew. Gratis! Padahal saya bilang mau liat liat aja.
Pas minum kopinya saya suka rasanya: pahit, tidak asam, tapi tidak terlalu kental melekit, seperti ada aroma kacang dan coklat. Harganya tidak murah, tapi kopinya enak sekali. Sukse buat Kopi Domba!

26 Desember 2021 16:22

Too bad they are close for public due this pandemic.
But Thank God, I made a reservation to buy some freshly roasted coffee bean. Bit pricey but really worth it. You got what you pay.
They still produce their product for cafes and coffee shop.
Make sure to call them before you visit.

17 November 2019 5:14

Recommended by my Balinese friend, and I ordered Ristretto at their coffee shop. Nice aroma, medium body & a bit sweet, chocolaty at the after taste.
Their barista offered me to visit the roastery, but we have no time for it.
Will be back for sure.

13 November 2019 3:21

I tried their cookies and iced latte. Nice coffee.
And bought some teas for my friends. Hope they'd like it.

08 November 2019 12:15

It’s a terrible experience.
The coffee is okay, but the price is terribly high. They said it’s 32,000 RP for one cup of luwak coffee, meh‍️.

If you need some REAL comments, it would helps.

08 November 2019 7:43

Sudah denger merek ini dari dulu, tapi baru hari ini bisa kemari baren temn. Kopi nya enak. Bisa minum gratis di sini. Tapi ndak bisa minum kopi hitem. Es kopinya enak.

31 Oktober 2019 1:19

Nice coffee. Beli kopi buat teman di luar, jadi oleh oleh.
Semoga bisa buka cafe pake kopi mereka.

13 Oktober 2019 0:36

Warning: Tourist trap! Came here upon the recommendation from our driver after he discovered how much I love coffee. I told him I travel for good coffee and one of the reasons that brings me to Bali is because my favorite coffee of all time is often Sumatra Batak. Visited yesterday and spent $700K (about 50 USD) for ONE Cup of Peaberry Luwak expecting it to be 10x better than any other coffee I ever had. The coffee was weak and lack quality. After visiting Pulina Coffee Plantation for $50K for a cup of Luwak coffee, this place is extremely overpriced and disappointing. Wish I skipped the coffee factory demo and just got a latte. Maybe I would have been less disappointed. Feeling like I got ripped off here really ruined my day.

12 Oktober 2019 8:33

Saya coba liat liat ke roastery nya. Tempatnya besar.
Di sebelah ada toko oleh oleh. Minum iced Latte di coffee shopnya. Enak, nendang meski hanya latte.

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