Bunbulan Hill Hostel

Alamat Jl. Bun Bulan, Songan A, Kec. Kintamani, Bali
Telepon +62 831-1438-8878
Situs web bunbulanhillhostelblog.wordpress.com
Kategori Hotel
Peringkat 4.5 13 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Pinggan Panorama — Pinggan, Kec. Kintamani, Bali
Geopark Village — Jl. Bukit Mekar Sari Banjar Dalam, Songan A, Kintamani, Bali
Pulestis Glamping — Jl. Bukit Mekar Sari, Songan A, Kintamani, Bali
Bukit Catu Bungalows — Jalan Bukit Satu, Songan A, Bali

Bunbulan Hill Hostel ulasan

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21 Mei 2023 9:07

Sangat"luar biasa menginap disini, staffnya ramah dengan harga yg worth it banget pokoknya gak akan nyesel nginap disini

14 Februari 2023 2:45

Avoid this place at all costs. We booked a single room for 2 nights and thought this place looked great. We emailed and sent messages on WhatsApp before arriving looking for information with no response. We drove 2 hours from Amed and arrived to the hostel at 1: 30pm looking to check in. We were confused as no one was around and the place looked abandoned. We went to nearby homestays to ask for information but no one could help. We looked around knocking on the ‘staff’ doors but no answer. All the rooms were unlocked and anyone could walk in if they wanted. The seat cushions were worn down and looked terrible. After waiting there for 2 hours and seeing no one, and trying the 3 different WhatsApp numbers on the website with no answer, we walked to another place and had to book another option last minute. Not settling in Kintamani until 5: 30pm. This is by far the worst place we’ve ever been to and would recommend paying extra for a better place that offers so much more.

23 Januari 2023 20:54

A great experience

The hostel itself is certainly lost in the middle of nowhere but honestly for the trek it is very good, the price is super affordable too

The hostel manager Krishna is incredible and offers the Mount Batur trek almost daily.
A visit out of the ordinary, out of the usual tour, we go through the paths not taken
We have fun through sandy descents
We eat a breakfast proposed by Krishna who takes care of everything
This man is incredibly luminous and solar, he knows everything and everyone
And even afterwards, he is always ready to help you and available for an enlightened opinion

For the trek of the Mount Batur, it is accessible: a little bit difficult for the thighs but largely attainable

16 Juni 2022 12:34

Really good place and good owner! I feel like at home. Very comfortable and beautiful room, hot water also. Nice garden with mountains views. You can do yoga or meditation. Also you can get the guide for trekking to Batur volcano

13 Februari 2022 10:45

Pelayanannya ramah, pemiliknya baik dikasih kamar lebih besar untuk singgah, recommended penginapan buat staycation murah di sekitar area gunung batur

01 Januari 2022 21:57

Pelayanan yang sangat ramah, ownernya sangat ramah langsung menyambut tamu, recommended buat kamu yang lagi cari penginapan di kintamani karena lokasinya tidak jauh dari danau dan pas di bawah gunung, harganya sangat murah cocok buat kamu yang ingin menghemat buadget. Jalanannya sangat terjal tapi tidak licin, jadi aman

19 November 2021 23:44

Mau dapat view Danau Batur, Gunung Batur, perkebunan sayur, hawa sejuk ini sangat cocok di Bunbulan Panorama sekitar #Kintamani #bunbulanpanorama dengan pak Ketut. Nikmati juga ayam panggang nya buat menemani dinner memandang Bintang bertaburan #idlink

30 September 2021 15:37

Staffnya ramah, cuma kebersihannya perlu ditingkatkan. Di kamar ada sedikit debu dan perlu keset di kamar karna saat musim hujan kamarnya jadi kotor dan becek lantainya.

03 September 2021 16:45

Very good hospitality from Ketut and his lovely wife! The hotel is amazing, it has view to the all 3 volcanos and the lake! So beautiful. We loved it!

28 Agustus 2021 21:16

Beautiful view to Gunung Batur, Gunung Abang and the Kintamani Lake. Excellent service by Putu and Widi.

24 Agustus 2021 17:40

Tempatnya bagus dan nyaman
Orangnya ramah
Lokasinya dekat dg danau batur
Jd sekalian jalan2 ke danau batur
Naik kano jg di danaunya
Sy senang menginap disini
Saat honeymoon bersama suami
Terima kasih

M P211
06 September 2020 23:14

Amazing place to stay. Between the mountains. Beautiful hostel. Stay here will know what i mean

14 Agustus 2020 13:27

Such a cute lodge that you can stay in Batur, this place far from city, 5 stars for service from Ketut and family, they are still under construction.

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