Bugbug Village

Alamat Jl. Telaga Ngembeng, Sengkidu, Bali
Telepon +62 878-6522-5657
Jam 08:00-19:00
Kategori Tourist Attraction, Travel Agency
Peringkat 4.6 14 ulasan
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Bugbug Village ulasan

Sortir dengan: tanggal rating tertinggi nilai terendah paling bermanfaat
20 April 2023 13:36

Well, these walls are even nice. A lot of renovations, but we were there before the season, maybe that's why. Generally, nothing special, if you have something to stop along the way, if you go there specifically, I don't recommend it. Mainly walls, one cool tree and that's it.

18 April 2023 4:27

A lot of renovations and nothing interesting. Possibly because we were there before the tourist season.

16 April 2023 11:11

Bugbug village is wonderful village that is where exactly at karangasem city, that has many vew suport was very interesting, and comunity was very friendly

19 Februari 2023 18:11

Wonderful to spend an hour wandering the lanes of a local village. Our driver was a little perplexed that we wished to go here and not a traditional ancient village. This is however everyday life, everyone was friendly and there were no other tourists.

17 Februari 2023 8:43

Locationnya lebih tepat kalau cari di map: Bukit Asah.indah sekali pemandanganya.
Kalau sesuai titik yang ini hanya area penduduk yg agak sulit dpt tempat parkir.

29 Januari 2023 17:08

Certainly quite an experience. Puts life into perspective when invited to visit a home of another culture.

01 Januari 2023 8:13

Very interesting place, beautiful and the people were very kind and friendly. Our driver took us there and we just walked. Beautiful views of rice fields and little glimpses of daily life.

05 Oktober 2022 17:31

Merpakan desa Adat Bali, desa Tua yang terletak di Karangasem serta kehidupan perekonomiannya sangat berkembang

19 September 2022 17:18

Salah satu desa yg unik yg ada di kabupaten karangasem rumah rumah penduduknya sangat rapat dan berdekatan ada banyak gang gang kecil tuk akses memasuki rumah penduduk.

11 September 2022 4:14

Kampung halaman dengan segala macam adat yg unik dan menarik, btw makanan disini harganya murah dan enak2 juga? Selalu excited tiap diajak pulkam ke kampumg sm suami

20 Juni 2022 8:16

Worth the visit. Park somewhere and walk around. This is a place to truly connect with locals and feel the vibe. At the end of the village theres a view from the rice terrace to Mt. Agung

02 Maret 2022 15:33

Tempat ini dikenal dgn sebutan "pulau paus".
Karna sesuai dgn foto, ada batu karang yg menyerupai IKAN PAUS.

Jarak tempuh +- 2 jam dari Denpasar.
Lokasinya skrg sudah bisa diakses dgn motor sampai di titik lokasi/point.

Sudah bisa juga utk tempat berkemah dan disediakan pula alat-alat kemahnya.

Udaranya masih tetap asri dan viewmya bagus. Yuk dicobaa visit!

09 Januari 2022 18:06

Salah satu Desa tua yg bertransformasi, memiliki adat istiadat dan budaya yg cukup tua dan menarik.

I kade mas adiputra
29 November 2019 15:37

Tempat yang yang sangat menyenangkan untuk menikmati pemandangan Alam pedesaan dan memiliki keunikan tradisi budaya yang luar biasa.

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