Br Bayan

Alamat Tua, Marga, Bali
Situs web theworldtravelguy.com
Kategori Tourist Attraction
Peringkat 4.8 19 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Wisata Kayu Putih — Tua, Kec. Marga, Bali
Pura Luhur Besikalung — Babahan, Penebel, Bali
Wahana Wisata Sambhrama Ashram — Senganan, Penebel, Bali
Cau Chocolates — Jl. Raya Marga-Apuan, Cau, Marga, Bali

Br Bayan ulasan

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23 November 2023 19:08

This tree is definitely worth a visit.
It's magical when you touch the old tree with your hands and feel the peace and strength.
Admission is a voluntary donation that benefits the residents of the village.

L. Yang
21 November 2023 20:01

A bit off the beaten path, but totally worth a visit. You pay what you like to visit, and can stay for as long as you’d like.

05 November 2023 9:47

Cebterary tree more than 700 years old. Easy to get to and to visit it is free you just have to make the donation that is recorded in a book.

03 November 2023 20:40

It's impressive, it's huge. You have to make a donation to pass, they make you write down your name, country and the donation you give, I suppose to keep track, there is no minimum. The back is even prettier.

29 Oktober 2023 7:27

Sublime place. Ancient and venerable tree. Entry by free donation. To do absolutely. Warung right next door has an unbeatable price and a sublime view.

26 Oktober 2023 9:56

A place with strong energy, despite this it is very calm here. One of my favorite places on the island, where I will definitely return. We arrived at the tree at dawn and there were no people at all. A great place for meditation Entrance ticket 20 or 25k per person.

05 Oktober 2023 15:11

I was impressed with the age of the tree. Also, the place was clean and tidy, then i could get the good photo with this tree.

02 April 2023 13:38

Pohon yg mengagumkan dan kelihatan sakral, semoga kebersihan selalu terjaga. Dan para wisatawan mau mengikuti aturan yg ada.

24 Maret 2023 10:07

Kayu Putih is the name of a giant tree in central Bali that’s believed to be one of Bali’s oldest and biggest trees. It’s a magnificent tree with a ‘fairy tale’ feel to it, like many other places in Bali.
On some websites it’s also known as the ‘Kapok tree’ or ‘Bayan ancient tree’ (Bayan is the neighborhood), and that nickname has probably confused some people about the exact species, since Bali does have a lot of great Banyan trees!

09 Maret 2023 3:11

Kayu Putih Bayan, pohon tertua di Bali yg diperkirakan umurnya 700 th. (sumber: penjaga tmpt wisata Kayu Putih Bayan), pohon ini dgn diameter yg sangat lebar, dn tinggi. Dimana akarnya jga besar2.saat smpe d tmpt wisata ini lgsg bisa terlihat pohon besar.
Buat yang belum ke wisata tsb, bs lgsg dtg. Utk tiket masuk tdk dikenakn hnya sj sbg donatur suka rela.

Al Welsh
29 Januari 2023 12:09

A wonderful ancient banyan tree, many centuries old. Well worth visiting, a natural treasure which the village are preserving and protecting. Small car paking area plus a warung and a cafe nearby. Viewing is free but please leave a generous donation to help keep this asset safe.

27 Juli 2022 4:58

Beyond words! It’s a fascinating tree. She is absolutely majestic! Worth a visit and just be with the tree quietly after taking pictures. The energy is really grounding.

24 Juli 2022 12:57

Such a wonderful place. I've never seen such a big tree! There is a special ambience near the tree. We came around 11am and there were no people, but after 20 minutes many people came.
It's free of charge but you can see a donation box where you can put money how much you want.

21 Juli 2022 18:33

Such an under rated spot.

It was a fun drive through a small village, so many smiling faces.
Entrance fee is a donation that you can choose. We paid 100k however I think 10k would have been totally fine!

Amazing to see such an old and beautiful tree.

Highly recommend

07 Juli 2022 17:01

Baru sempat berkunjung kesini padahal tidak terlalu jauh dari rumah saya Salah satu hidden gem yang ada di pulau Bali. Tidak terlalu jauh dengan Jatiluwih.
Pemandangan pohon kayu putih ini sangat luar biasa, dengan tinggi sekitar 60meter dan lebar yang selebar-lebarnya, saking besarnya waktu masuk area sini udaranya sangat sejuk ditambah lagi suasana pedesaan yang sangat kental disini. Untuk harga tiket masuk dibayar dengan donasi seikhlasnya. Warga disini juga sangat ramah, jadi jangan sungkan untuk bertanya ataupun bertukar sapa dengan mereka

Catatan lagi satu, tolong jaga sikap anda disini karena ini merupakan area pura yang disucikan oleh umat Hindu.

28 Agustus 2018 5:48

Di sini ada tempat wisata baru, yaitu wisata kayu putih, kayu ini kira" berumur seribu tahun, mungkin kayu ini terbesar di bali,

03 Januari 2018 22:35

There is ayunan Jantra here, which only use every 10 years. Those who will play it will chosen through a ceremony.

06 Oktober 2017 17:38

Dibawah pohon Besar yg rindang ini suasana nya sejuk.dan Pohon yg besar dan Berumur ratusan tahun ini yang menjadi keistimewaan br. Bayan

11 Maret 2017 19:32

Suasana pedesaan yang asri, terdapat Pohon Putih yang sangat besar berumur ratusan tahun yang menjadi ciri khasnya

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