Batur Natural Hot Spring

Alamat Toya Bungkah Kintamani Desa Pekraman Batur, Songan B, Kec. Kintamani, Bali
Telepon +62 877-8978-9688
Situs web www.baturhotspring.com
Kategori Thermal Baths, Hotel, National Reserve, Swimming Pool
Peringkat 4.1 18 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Air Panas Banjar Hot Spring — Jalan Banjar, Banjar, Kec. Banjar, Bali
Banyuwedang Hotspring — Pejarakan, Gerokgak, Bali
hot spring penatahan 2/air panas penatahan 2 — Jl. Jurusan Jl. Batukaru, Penatahan, Penebel, Bali

Batur Natural Hot Spring ulasan

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22 Januari 2024 18:43

Nice hot pools, especially after the long trek up the volcano. All the pools are the same temperature, they just vary in depth. Free drink upon entry.

20 Januari 2024 9:04

It is a beautiful place as a spa. The pools are diverse and have different temperatures, which is nice. Cleanliness and service are considered good. The massage inside is great. I recommend it.

06 November 2023 13:22

Very pleasant experience with multiple pools having warm water. There are lockers and changing rooms. The overall cleanliness can be a little better but should not really be a deal breaker for most folks.

We visited the hot springs after the hike to Mt. Batur and we couldn't have asked for a more relaxing option.

30 Oktober 2023 0:18

Avoid, tourist trap. Once you return (and pay quite a lot) you can no longer go out to eat, for example in an outside restaurant. Their restaurant is very low end. There are a lot of identical sites around, so a lot of noise

29 Oktober 2023 11:01

Not too crowded in November, very hot water in one of the pools. Even got an Olympic pool for swimming. Nice view of the lake and mountains.

16 September 2023 0:27

Good water, one pool hot (~40) the others warm. Good massage. Prefect post hike. Restaurant SWARMING with voracious flies! Cash only (in 2023!) and lukewarm showers are not ideal.

06 September 2023 19:48

Been here several times, unfortunately, there’s a fee just to enter the Kintamani village, 20k per person, dunno why is that matters, for what the payment is unclear. Can you put a gate fee to enter your village?

01 Februari 2019 4:42

Pools are good, but broken showers, unclean shower area, no soap or shampoo, no cleanliness, smelly towels.

28 Januari 2019 15:30

Tempat yg nyaman untuk pecinta kesunyian, tapi jarang ada hotel yang enak untuk dibtinggali, meskipun ada hanya ada satu atau dua hotel saja. Ada juga hal yang baru dan menarik yaitu batur jeep tour, dimana kita diajak berkeliling gunung batur menggunakan mobil jeep. Harga untuk sewa jeepnya kisaran harga 300 - 350 ribu rupiah. Wisata ini baru dibuka kurang lebih 2 bulan tapi belum secara resmi dibuka oleh pemerintah daerah hanya di kelola orang orang lokal.

28 Januari 2019 8:15

Actually a very nice place to visit. The hot water is amazing especially after we hiked Mount Batur. It is sad that it is located in a spot very not many tourist go. It feels a bit neglected but I would still urge you to make a turn. It really is worth it and it is very cheap!

24 Januari 2019 22:35

Tempat ini sangat cocok untuk kalian yang lagi pingin liburan ke pegunungan terutamanya air panas. Disini kalian bisa enjoy. Tenang pemandangannya jga indah. Tempatnya bersih dan luas. Kolamnya juga banyak dan bersih - bersih semua.
Jadi selamat liburan.

17 Januari 2019 13:39

Apparently there are 2 diff.natural hot spring outlets in Batur. Please check both of them out before deciding where to go.

06 Januari 2019 22:14

Airnya anget. Jangan mau ketipu yg 200k dpt private pool. Beli yang 75k aja nnti bisa dpt private pool diem2 aj masuknya. Bawa handuk sendiri nnti sewa kalo g bawa. Udah disediain sabun shampoo di sana. Showernya krng deres. Viewnya enak. Jajanannya mahal tapi enak.

02 Januari 2019 2:32

Tempat bersantai yg direkomendasi. Spot yang paling suka adalah pancuran air panas yg paling tinggi.

30 Desember 2018 3:02

Tempatnya bersih, tetapi untuk kamar ganti dan loker kurang nyaman, overall baguss dan worth it

Km Bayu Km Boy
29 Desember 2018 11:16

Bagus pemandangannya diatas sinylnya tnggi warung membeli mknan ada tapi mahalan lebih dari dua kali lipat harga aslinya
cuma agak tinggi jadi lebih lelah nainknya
dan jalannyaagak ribet agak rusak membuat sulit menvelewatinya

15 Desember 2018 11:27

Airnya tidak terlalu panas, jika mandi saat cuaca dingin mungkin kurang mantap. Tapi kalau cuaca bagus/panas lumayan enak mandi di sini.
Ada restoran dan view danau maupun gunung abang.

23 November 2018 18:16

Not actually a hot spring, the bath temperatures range from cold to warmish. Half the area was closed off and still being constructed, with parts of the open areas being rough concrete on the floor. Be sure to wear sandals to walk through without stepping on stones.
The complimentary drink and snack are average juices and plantain. Granted the view of the lake and mountains are nice.

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