Bali Bird Park

Alamat Jl. Serma Cok Ngurah Gambir Singapadu, Batubulan, Kec. Sukawati, Bali
Telepon +62 361 299352
Jam 09:00-17:30
Situs web www.balibirdpark.com
Kategori Bird Watching Area, Park, Tourist Attraction, Wildlife Park
Peringkat 4.5 59 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Tuwut Bali — Senganan, Penebel, Bali
Bali Bird Walks — Jl. Penestanan Kelod, Sayan, Bali
Tourist Information Center. Bali Barat National Park. — Jalan Denpasar Gilimanuk Cekik, Gilimanuk, Kec. Melaya, Bali
Birding Tours in Bali ( Made Surya ) — Jl. Nusa Indah, Blimbingsari, Kec. Melaya, Bali

Bali Bird Park ulasan

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05 Januari 2022 1:46

- Lots of interesting birds such as Birds of Paradise, Flamingos, White Peacocks, and many more
- Reasonable entry price
- Large parking area
- Located right next to Bali Reptiles
- Clean, vegetation is well maintained

- Toilet can be better

Overall, a highly recommended site to visit in Bali

01 Januari 2022 19:52

Sudah 2x ke Bali bird park, koleksi burung2 nya beragam tetapi untuk harga fotonya cukup mahal.

25 Desember 2021 10:21

Berkeliling taman ditempuh dengan jalan santai, meskipun ngga terlalu luas tempatnya tapi cukup asyik. Koleksi burung juga cukup variatif, ada spot spot khusus buat berfoto dengan burung.

Kalau mau bersantai menonton atraksi juga bisa di area restoran, sementara merchandise berupa foto dan pajangan bisa dibeli di toko merchandise, harga ngga murah tapi buat kenang-kenangan okelah.

23 Desember 2021 17:49

Banyak sekali jenis burung yang ada di sini, dikelompokkan berdasarkan wilayahnya. Tersedia beberapa spot di mana pengunjung bisa bermain dan memberi makan burung secara langsung (tanpa tambahan biaya). Terdapat juga pertunjukan yang menarik, khususnya untuk anak anak. Sebaiknya pesan tiket secara online untuk harga yang lebih baik.

13 Desember 2021 4:42

There are a huge variety of birds, comfortable paths and enclosed spaces to view them, and a list of shows introducing the birds to us.it's family friendly and a great way to start a day in nature

12 Desember 2021 18:20

A nice way to spend an afternoon, entrance fee was 250 idr per person. When my husband and I went they included free ice cream. They had many exotic birds, as well many different bird shows, such as feeding, birds of prey and many more. Prior to entering the bird park we went to the reptilian park which in my opinion is more interesting and more interactive.

04 Desember 2021 1:20

Burungnya keren keren, ada papan informasi lengkapnya, tempat asri dan nyaman dipake jalan santai, ada cafe yang menyediakan minuman segar setelah lelah berjalan liat liat burung. Ada atraksi unggas juga!

03 November 2021 12:55

I really like the landscaping and the quality of enclosure. I think they do really care on the collections' welfare. I also visited the cinema and the whole experience was worth the entrance ticket's price. The only thing I don't like and want the management to take care of it is foreigner guests that are not discipline with the pandemic protocol. I hope that the management will take a bold step for this kind of ignorant guest. We all want to enjoy the place without the worry of being infected covid-19. We have done our part, and you are obliged to do yours.

30 Oktober 2021 15:40

Nice place especially when you bring kids here, they may add knowledge about birds around Indonesia and some part of the world. They also have mini bird shows that is quite interesting, showing the bird's intelligence and how they can understand human instructions.

27 Oktober 2021 15:17

Cute cute birds!? You can take pictures with the birds and it's free as long as you use your own phone/camera oh you also get a free ice cream inside.here's some pics that I took inside

02 Oktober 2021 11:45

Enjoy walking around and get along with a thousand birds and its habitat. The Park is divided into seven regions that recreate the natural habitats of our birds, complete with indigenous plant life. You can travel from the deep misty jungle of Sumatra to Far East Indonesia and Papua to discover the native birds from these remote regions.

08 September 2021 3:20

Great place to visit! Definitely worth of its entrance ticket price. Today I paid about $18 for a ticket. All birds and the staff is super nice and friendly.

22 Agustus 2021 18:05

Just amazing no words. Beyond expectation. I never imagined i will get a chance to directly interact with birds, such a nice and wonderful experience. U need a a full day to visit this beautiful and lively place. So plan accordingly.

12 Juli 2021 18:42

Show Bali rain forest nya cm 10 menit akibat kelamaan ditutup jd d latih ulang

Tp Saat pandemi gini nyaman sepi, ga tll rame

08 Juli 2021 22:30

Tempat yg nyaman dan menarik untuk dikunjungi, bisa ketemu dan melihat bemacam satwa burung dan atraksinya juga. Sangat cocok untuk anak anak dan keluarga. Selamat berwisata di Bali Bird Park. Terimakasih

05 Juli 2021 14:19

Harga tiket masuk 70.000Rupiah per satu orang dewasa, jika kita berkunjung petugas loket menanyakan kartu identitas seperti KTP jika untuk orang indonesia, satwa disini terutama burung semua tampak sehat-sehat dan pastinya sangat indah, pastikan jangan menyentuh langsung satwa disini agar tidak terjadi hal hal yang tidak diinginkan, suhu disini sejuk, pohon pohon sangat rindang, spot papua jadi wajib dikunjungi disini. Kalian akan dapat peta mengenai taman ini, sebelum berkeliling.

20 April 2021 11:24

This is a wonderful place to see animals that you usually only read about in books and see on television. Every animal we saw seemed well cared for and healthy. There were vibrant colors everywhere and animals roaming freely. Such beauty everywhere. The Komodo Dragon was especially intriguing. This is a must visit for adults and kids alike. Very clean park with plenty of bathroom facilities.

25 Maret 2021 16:48

Apakah anda pecinta fauna terutama burung? Nah disini tempat yang tepat untuk melihat koleksi berbagai macam burung dari penjuru tanah air sampai mancanegara, tempat yang cocok untuk wisata edukasi. Namun dikarenakan pandemi Bali Bird Park hanya beroperasi setiap weekend saja.

13 Maret 2021 15:05

Alam dan suakanya sungguh menakjubkan.
Lengkap dan penataan landskapnya modern dan asri, bersih, sejuk, dan indah.

04 Maret 2019 6:58

Koleksinya agar di perbanyak lagi.terutama burung2 yg endemik Indonesia.tp tempatnya menyenangkan.

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