Balai Gili / Taman Ujung

Alamat Ujung Water Palace, Tumbu, Karangasem, Bali
Jam 07:00-19:00
Kategori Tourist Attraction
Peringkat 4.6 21 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Bugbug Village — Jl. Telaga Ngembeng, Sengkidu, Bali
Masjid Baiturrahman — Jl. Diponegoro, Karangasem, Bali
Puri Agung Karangasem — Jl. Sultan Agung, Karangasem, Bali
Charlys Chocolate — Subagan, Karangasem, Bali

Balai Gili / Taman Ujung ulasan

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01 Oktober 2023 16:53

A great place to take a quiet walk and take pictures
It was good to hear the guide's explanation.

30 September 2023 15:20

Impressive place! Almost no one onsite at 9am. Beautifully cared for grounds. Definately worth the drive.

28 Mei 2020 19:49

Berwisata di tempat ini, sangat menyenangkan. Tangganya sangat indah untuk pemotretan. Bersih, rapi dan tidak akan bosan ketika berada disana.

15 Mei 2020 19:04

Tempatnya asri, indah, bersih, sejuk. Sangat cocok untuk dijadikan tempat bermain dan santai bersama keluarga.

25 April 2020 23:40

Tempat yang indah, ada rumput untuk duduk bersama keluarga. Saat hari libur banyak orang berdatangan. Lebih bagus datang di hari biasa.

16 April 2020 20:42

Nice garden to visit in East Bali. 50k entry fee per person for tourists. Good value for money with beautiful scenery. Good place to relax and take photos; not too many activities- this is a rest and relax area. There are some historical photos inside Balai Gili.

07 April 2020 5:44

One of our stops during our tour was here. This is a large property with the grounds being very well maintained. It has a lot of history and some of the views from the top of the hills are amazing. This is right by the ocean and you have beautiful views of the areas nearby, great for photos. As you walk the property you have the main building located in the center, which is surrounded by water. The architecture is beautiful and gives you sense of the history behind the property and of Bali. It is a very zen area which is great for walking around and enjoying the beauty of its nature.

01 April 2020 17:20

Taman peninggalan kerajaan Karangasem yg masih sampe sekarang per dijaga dan dirawat untuk masa yg akan datang

26 Maret 2020 0:23

Tempat yg indah. Bessejarah, tentang raja Bali, ada juga foto foto raja dan ratu Bali karangasem disana.

02 Maret 2020 23:12

Very nice palace, quiet park, beautiful garden. Not all descriptions are in english.
Small nice restaurants near by.

12 Desember 2018 20:13

Beautiful garden, like many other places in Bali. Parking fee 2000, garden entrance fee 50,000 per person.

02 Desember 2018 10:57

Balai Gili atau Taman Ujung atau disebut istana air. Keren banget dan luas tempatnya. Sangat Asri. Apabila kita ada di sebelah atas. Kita bisa melihat laut dari sana. Banyak tempat spot untuk foto disana.

17 Oktober 2018 12:49

This incredible water palace was once a royal house and was constructed by the king of Karangasem. The campus is set across an area of 10 hectares of land and is surrounded by a number of water pools.

Mount Agung in the backdrop and floating fumes of fog playing hide and seek with the peak is an amazing sight. The palace is often compared to Tirta Gangga for its beauty and attracts tourists from around the globe.

06 September 2018 22:36

Immaculate gardens, well preserved buildings and a great stroll through history. Nice restuarant offering a variety of local and other foods. Lityle shops where one can buy water, icr creams, snacks or bin tangs if one preférs.

16 Agustus 2018 8:36

Perfect place for kids and family.it is a big palace with beautiful garden. Visiting here is a must

16 Juni 2018 15:04

Taman ujung merupakan Peninggalan Raja Klungkung. Area yg luas dan terdapat situs Peninggalan Krajaan Islam masa itu dr atas kita dapat melihat seluruh panorama taman ditambah lagi dgn view laut.wouw berkesan.tiket masuk hanya 5000 rupiah saja.

WG Wirya
15 Mei 2018 14:28

Wisata air di taman ujung yang terkenal dan kental dengan nuansa kerajaan karangasem pemandangan nan asri, dilengkapi dengan villa n spa yang dikelola apik nan modern dengan pelayanan yang ramah dan menyenangkan

02 April 2018 11:06

If you are somewhere nearby - it's worth a short visit. The place is nice, green, some nice fountains, plants- but that's about it. Half an hour is enough. So it is not worth coming from far away to specifically visit this place. But combined with other sights (like Virgin beach, ancient village of Tenganangan - not sure about spelling) it could be an option:).

15 Desember 2017 1:34

Tempat wisata yg sangat tenang, bersih, & cukup indah. Hanya saja lokasinya memang cukup jauh.

r rajkumar
02 Desember 2017 3:09

This is a very beautiful place and not to miss in Bali tour. Photographer's delight. You can easily spend 2 hours here. Lush green lawns,
tall trees in between, paved walkways and fountains make the place heavenly. Boating is also there. There are steps to climb up to get bird's eye view of the park. There is regular visit by newly weds with their photographer to take photos for their wedding album.

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