Ananta Clinical Laboratory

Alamat Mekarbhuana, Jl. Raya Mambal Br.Samu No.3B, Ubud, Bali
Telepon +62 821-4675-1699
Jam 00:00-24:00
Situs web www.labananta.com
Kategori Medical Laboratory, Medical Clinic, Pharmacy
Peringkat 4.8 20 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Apotek Kimia Farma — Jl. Diponegoro No.125, Dauh Puri Klod, Denpasar Barat, Bali
Prodia — Jl. Raya Puputan No.56, Dangin Puri Klod, East Denpasar, Bali
Bio Medika Denpasar — Jl. WR Supratman No.62, Sumerta Kaja, East Denpasar, Bali
Prodia — Jl. Ngurah Rai No.25, Banjar Tegal, Buleleng, Bali

Ananta Clinical Laboratory ulasan

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08 Desember 2023 2:42

The doctor and team made a house call and was super attentive, applied painkiller cream to my swollen foot, ensuring that I was comfortable throughout. While hope there is no need for any medical treatment required, but if somehow needed, Ananta Clinic is trustworthy and their house call charges are reasonable.

ni made nurpratiwi
04 Desember 2023 17:58

Pelayanannya the best, ramah dan sangat memuaskan. Hasil nya 15 mnit lgsg jadi bisa di kirim via wa Jg Klo.tempatnya bersih.lokasi juga strategis, nyaman dan parkirannya luas.

08 Juni 2023 17:39

Exceptional care & attention given by the staff and medical team at the clinic. We had to bring our young child for medical attention for his skin and the nurses took their time to put him at ease with the check up. Doctor also took his time with diagnosing the issue, thoroughly & patiently explaining the plan for care and medications required. We also needed more topical cream medication a few weeks later and they very kindly offered to deliver it to our villa! Highly recommend this clinic.

21 Mei 2023 17:40

This place was amazing. My wife got an ear infection from swimming and has a history of them. We came in the morning and we were the first ones there. We told the staff of my wife’s situation and they were going to give her ear drops but we asked to see the doctor just to make sure she had an infection. The doctor saw her quickly and confirmed the infection. The doctor is confident and knowledgeable. She gave several medications to help and all together it was about $45 with the medication. This place is amazing and so trustworthy

22 April 2023 2:07

Pelayanannya sangat baik dan pegawainya juga ramah"
Sukses terus ananta clinical laboratory

19 April 2023 18:19

Pelayanan sangat memuaskan. Petugasnya ramah, cekatan. Ada layanan home service juga, jadi kalau perlu cek lab atau perlu dokter tinggal whatsapp ke Ananta, petugas akan datang ke rumah. Hasil juga bisa di akses via whatsapp. Harga terjangkau. Pokoknya mantap, kalau mau cek tidak perlu repot-repot.
Sukses untuk Ananta, yakin bakal repeat lagi pakai jasa Ananta kalau memerlukan fasilitas kesehatan.

12 April 2023 6:56

Pelayanan ramah baik dari staff admin, dokter maupun perawat. Ruang tunggunya juga nyaman. Makasi

09 April 2023 15:21

Became very unwell during my trip to Bali, most likely due to consuming contaminated water after swimming at a local canyon.

Had suffered from ‘Bali Belly’ on a previous trip to Bali, which resolved itself within 24 hours. This time the symptoms were much more violent and severe, and after spending over 24 hours suffering, my girlfriend spoke to the hotel who contacted the medical centre to see if they could attend the hotel we were staying at.

They arrived promptly within 20 minutes, and from the outset they were very friendly and professional. They spoke good English and made me feel at ease throughout.
I was put on a drip and given 2 injections to ease the symptoms, making me feel much better within a couple of hours. After leaving they checked on my progress through WhatsApp and demonstrated genuine care and compassion.

Thank you so much to the team that came out to assist

06 April 2023 5:40

My 1 year old daughter was sick on sunday morning, as far as i know there was no doctor in practice at that time. Luckily, my friend told me that Ananta Clinic opened a doctor on call service right at home.thank you Ananta, Doctors, Nurses, and Team.excellent service and highly recommend.

28 Maret 2023 18:01

PARKIRAN luas, tidak menggangu pengguna jalan yang lain
TEMPATNYA bersih banget
PELAYANAN the best
PEGAWAI dan PERAWAT ramah sepertinya pegawai dan perawat tidak pernah dapat hormon yang datang setiap bulan
Tanya soal harga berobat? Ramah dikantong, tapi saya tidak tau apakah bisa pakai BPJS, KIS, atau ASURANSI.karena belum pernah pakai itu semua

01 Maret 2023 18:16

I had pain in my ear I went and got it checked out instantly. The people were extremely helpful and told me what problem I had and what medications to take

29 September 2022 22:46

Clean waiting room, prompt and courteous service. I used this service in PCR to go out of the country and would use it again. I would recommend it to everyone because of its reasonable prices and on-site inspections.

i gusti ngurah nana mahattera
24 Mei 2022 13:39

Pelayanannya baik, pegawainya ramah, ruang tunggu sangat bersih dan rapi, parkiran luas. Selain itu ada layanan home servicenya juga, wah mantap

21 Mei 2022 7:28

Sangat bagus pelayanan di lab ini, hasilnya cepat san sangat nyaman tempatnya, gak perlu jauh” cek lab, recomended banget

09 Mei 2022 12:46

Pelayanan di ananta sangat bagus, pegawainya sangat ramah, nakes nya cekatan dan hasil tesnya sangat cepat, mohon dipertahankan ya

08 Mei 2022 3:37

Pelayanannya bagus, karyawannya ramah, tempat parkirnya jga luas dan ternyata ada layanan home servicenya juga, gk perlu jauh2 lagi kalau mau cek lab,

24 April 2022 8:58

Laboratorium yg bisa melayani pasien home service. Selalu melayani dimanapum dan kapan saja

03 April 2022 23:16

Pelayanan sangat bagus, cepat.untuk home service selalu tepat waktu dan petugasnya sangat ramah. Selalu ditingkatkan dalam pelayanan

02 Maret 2022 2:20

Tempat nyaman. Pelayanan bagus. Staff ramah-ramah. Semoga tetap jadi yang terbaik melayani masyarakat.

18 November 2021 18:47

Tolong perbaiki dalam sistem tata kelola, saya agak kecewa dengan pelayanan yang diberikan. Dan kalau dihubungi lewat whatsapp, mohon etikanya, itu online tapi kok tidak bisa membalas pesan ya padahal itu urgent keperluan saya. Itu saja, saya kecewa dengan pelayanannnya. Terimakasih

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