Alfamart - Jalan Gunung Tangkuban Perahu

Alamat Jl. Gn. Tangkuban Perahu, Kerobokan Kelod, Kuta Utara, Bali
Jam 08:00-00:00
Situs web www.alfamartku.com
Kategori Convenience Store
Peringkat 2.9 7 ulasan
Cabang terdekat
Alfamart Teuku Umar Barat — Link, Jl. Teuku Umar, Penganbengan Kangin, Bali
Alfamart — Jl. Mertanadi, Kerobokan Kelod, Kuta, Bali
Alfamart Tangkuban Perahu — Jl. Gn. Tangkuban Perahu No.Br, Taman, Kuta, Bali
Alfamart — Jl. Merta Sari No.Br, Pengubengan Kauh, Kuta Utara, Bali
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Warung Pande — Jalan Raya Semat, Tibubeneng, Kuta Utara, Tibubeneng, Kabupaten Badung, Tibubeneng, Kec. Kuta Utara, Bali
Alfamidi Pulau Moyo — Jl. Pulau Moyo No.46 D, Pedungan, Denpasar Selatan, Bali
Alfamart — Jl. Kunti Jl. Raya Basangkasa No.Br, Seminyak, Kuta, Bali
Indomaret — Jl. Pulau Kawe, Dauh Puri Klod, Denpasar Barat, Bali

Alfamart - Jalan Gunung Tangkuban Perahu ulasan

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Al guy
24 September 2023 17:20

Le staff n'applique pas les discount des produits. Ils bloquent la caisse et ne donne pas de reçu. Donc ils gardent l'argent des réductions dans leur poche. Honteux.
Staf tidak menerapkan diskon produk. Mereka memblokir mesin kasir dan tidak memberikan tanda terima. Jadi mereka menyimpan uang dari diskon di saku mereka. Malu.

06 Mei 2023 0:46

Be careful when buying stuff here, do check the price before you pay. I just bought a toothpaste there and chose a discounted one as this is just for a holiday and when I paid I was charged the full price because they forgot to take down the discounted price which was expired. I asked to cancel the transaction but they said I couldn't since I paid cashless. Quoting the staff "It's the previous shift's responsibility. We on the night shift already have enough to deal with as it is. What else could we do (it's done) ? " What is this response? ! Not customer's problem the store wasn't managed well! Should I have known it was a full price, I would choose the better toothpaste.

19 April 2021 15:50

Alfamartnya sih lengkap untuk belanja bulanan gitu tapi
"apa bisa kita nitip barang di struk nya mbak? " belakangan sering denger pertanyaan ini kalau belanja dan itu berulang kali di customer yang berbeda2 juga.jadi sedikit bertanya2 sih

16 Juli 2020 22:00

Be careful! Early morning (almost 5 AM) I went to buy some stuff here and the total was 43.200 IDR. I gave him 100.500 IDR but he wrote there 100.300 IDR, and he only gave me 57.000 IDR back! I knew he took advantage of my sleepiness so he manipulated the transaction. 300 IDR is nothing but the attitude sucks! Unfortunately this attitude is notorious for most of mini markets like this in Indonesia. Pathetic!

14 Juli 2020 4:21

Tersdia tempat istirahat utk duduk2, tp agak kotor kurangnya kesadaran pengunjung utk membuang sisa bungkus makanan ke tempatnya.

14 Juli 2019 21:12

You will get anything you need for your home such as tooth paste, snacks, soaps, bread, drinks (drinking water, cola, coffee, milk) vitamins, instant noodles and many more.you can pay any credits in here such as for your mobile phone.the parking lot is wide

29 Mei 2019 12:20

Alfamart yang tidak buka 24 jam namun cukup membantu saat ingin ada keperluan di sekitar sini karena daerah sini jumlah toko belum begitu banyak yang bisa dijangkau hanya dengan berjalan kaki, umumnya letaknya jauh-jauh

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