Air Terjun Jagasatru, Jagasatru Waterfall

Alamat East Duda, Selat, Bali
Jam 08:00-18:00
Kategori Tourist Attraction, Water Park
Peringkat 4.6 38 ulasan
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Air Terjun Jagasatru, Jagasatru Waterfall ulasan

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18 November 2023 1:07

If you re staying in Ahmed or near Candidasa beach, definitely worth coming here. The road is tricky and very narrow, so drive safely. But once you arrive, you will find an amazing waterfall, special place to bath with holy water, coffee with a view of the ocean and the jungle. Also good place to take unique instagram photos, not many tourists around since it is so remote. Your own private pool in the jungle basically.

26 September 2023 9:57

There is a really nice view. The few last km are a bit tricky, but it just makes the journey more interesting.

17 September 2023 6:38

We came here a years ago. The place has amazing atmosphere and nature, but the water so cold

12 September 2023 3:08

Because the route is a bit more difficult (relatively long journey by scooter + walking down a few stairs) we were there alone. The waterfall itself is very impressive!

08 September 2023 17:14

Alone in the waterfall surrounded by nature! The road is in good shape now. The local people fixed the road.

12 Agustus 2023 22:18

Had this waterfall all to myself around 1-2 pm on a Thursday. I was almost deterred from going reading reviews about the road, but it was fine until the last 300 meters. Honestly, just go slow and it’s manageable, or park the bike and walk down.
I was greeted by some nice guys who showed me the way to the waterfall and I made a small donation. I found the water a little too chilly to swim in but it was fun to get in and go so close to the falls. Nice to find this hidden gem in Sidemen!

04 Juli 2023 1:21

The road to this place is a bit difficult. The peaceful and beautiful place. ️ The entrance is free, but you can donate local people keep this place clean. The water is warm. You also can bath. Steps are high

12 Juni 2023 4:56

We visited the waterfall at Friday 3 pm and were completely alone, it was awsome. We both took a short swim there aswell and drank the hugest coconut ever when we walked up to the parking lot at the end. The people there were very friendly and had good vibes. We heard it’s common to donate around 15k per person, so we did.

09 Juni 2023 0:24

This was a very peaceful waterfall. Nice ride until there. A bit steep. But the waterfall accessible by stairs. No ticket. But you can help the family there by drinking a tea or a coffee that costs 5K-10k with a nice view.

28 Mei 2023 1:24

No ticket to enter. Deep in forest and very beautiful statue. Breathtaking views and absolutely zero crowd.

D Scanlon
19 April 2023 11:13

Came for the waterfall but found the Brahma statue more interesting including the view of the surroundings. WARNING: The road to it is not good, the final 2km especially. I’d advise driving down this final patch of road if the roads are wet and you’re not experienced on a scooter.

13 April 2023 22:32

Air terjun istimewah
Sangat berkesan berkunjung air terjun ini, lokasinya di bawah lembah, desa duda. Mulai dari desa sampai ke bawah jalan nya kecil, teruntuk driver yang baru belajar dan tidak yakin suka ragu2 saya tidak menyarankan untuk ke tempat ini, kalau pun nekat baiknya pelan2 saja dan tolong pahami kondisi kemdaraan anda, kalau pakai motor silahkan dan pelan2 saja, tidak perlu buru buru, karena turunan nya sangat tajam.tapi semuanya akan terbayarkan setelah sampai parkiran, pemandangan nya hijau, bisa lihat sampai laut di candidasa, yang membuat luar biasa dengan adanya patung budha yang sangat besar menghadap selatan.
Kalian bisa naik ke areal patung tapi tolong jaga kesopanan.
Dari parkiran dengan menurunin tangga sebanyak 165 anak tangga yang cukup terjal, tapi dari pengelola sudah menyediakan tongkat.sampai bawah ada tempat melukat juga ada.
Fasilitas toilet ada pula, untuk ticketing untuk sementara ini bersifat donasi, tolong! Tolong kalau donasi kasi lah yang masuk akal jangan kasi cuman dua ribu ya, kasian yang kelola, karena benar benar bersih tempatnya, juga agar pengelola bisa menata lebih baik lagi seperi tempat parkir dan jalan ke parkiran bawah agar nyaman.ada pula warung, jadi kalian tidak perlu kwatir soal haus atau snack dan lain nya.

Tempat ini sangat cocok bagi yang kuat jalan dan suka akan alam.

Demikian ulasan saya semoga membantu, jangan buang sampah sembarangan!

31 Maret 2023 13:15

Great place also not many tourist, but be careful on your way with scooter and also on your way down to the waterfall.

13 Februari 2023 12:01

Air Terjun Jagasatru - Karangasem Bali terletak dikawasan Duda Timur yang sejuk dan mempunyai atmosfir alam pedesaan yang asri

10 Februari 2023 11:15

Highly recommend a visit. Lovely, welcoming family at the entrance. Some snacks and hot/cold drinks available but certainly not pushed on us. The views are superb and the Hindu statue impressive. The track to the site is a challenge on a scooter but we did it, and we're in our 50's! Maybe not in heavy rain though. The steps to the water fall are many and steep but definitely worth it. No charge to be there, a donation box is there but again no pushing you. Very quiet when we were there.

28 Januari 2023 12:11

Saya mengunjungi objek wisata ini pada bulan Februari 2022. Air terjun ini memiliki keindahan alam yang masih terjaga, sangat cocok untuk orang-orang yg ingin menyegarkan pikiran dari hiruk pikuk rutinitas melelahkan. Selain itu, pengunjung juga mendapatkan kesan esklusif, seakan berada di air terjun pribadi karena belum ramai yang mengunjungi objek wisata ini. Untuk yg hobi berfoto, banyak spot foto yg menarik di sini selain menyorot air terjun, salah satunya patung Dewa Brahma yg megah. Dengan memberikan donasi seikhlasnya, kita sudah dapat menikmati panorama yang tidak terlupakan. Meskipun aksesbilitas jalan menuju objek wisata ini masih belum mudah dijangkau, tapi justru memberikan kesan "adventure". Mungkin untuk kedepannya akan lebih baik jika fasilitas pendukung semakin dilengkapi untuk lebih memberikan kenyamanan bagi wisatawan.
Menariknya, air terjun ini bahkan menjadi topik saya dalam mata kuliah Komunikasi Pariwisata:)

03 November 2022 12:38

Tempatnya sejuk, hanya jalan menuju lokasi sangat curam, disarankan naik mobil 4wd biar kuat nanjak

18 Oktober 2022 21:35

Recommended banget buat ke sini!
Tempatnya cukup tersembunyi di balik bukit dan hutan lalu untuk mencapai air terjun pun perlu menuruni anak tangga yang cukup menguras tenaga. Ada spot untuk Melukat (mandi suci khas umat Hindu). Kami sangat menikmati waktu kami di sini karena pada saat itu hanya kami seorang diri yang berada di air terjun jadi benar-benar berasa air terjun pribadi! Tak lupa ada patung Buddha raksasa yang siap menyambut para pengunjung di gerbang kedatangan. Selain daripada itu ada pula spot bersantai yang menghadap lautan lepas dan apabila beruntung bisa menikmati eksotisme Pulau Lombok yang berada di kejauhan! Retribusi seikhlashnya dan jangan lupa mengisi buku tamu ygy ️

Kami mencintai tempat ini dan akan kembali suatu hari nanti

17 Oktober 2022 1:52

The waterfall setback into a lovely setting on the top of the mountain. The problem is that it is very difficult to get to. The road is very very very bad. I drove a car and I had to go extremely slow. There are 180° turns and it can be slippery with the lichen on the road. I did see motorscooters take the trip. When you get to the waterfall entrance you have to go down about 100 stairs and it can be slippery with the lichen on it so I caution your footing. The actual waterfall is OK not spectacular. A donation is asked for.

25 Juni 2022 7:32

The waterfall is simply spectacular! It is very tall and falls into this pool which is quite deep in the middle. You can definitely swim or soak to enjoy tbe refreshing water. The road to the waterfall is a bit tricky, some sharp turns, unpaved road and steep up and down hills. Other than that, enjoy the waterfall which amazingly remains a hidden gem with few tourists. Do not forget to make donations which locals desperately need and deserve.

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